MR. NON-PC: They Care More About Animals Than They Do People!

5 months ago

Mannnnnn ohhhhhh mannnnnn, the wild and crazy stuff we've been seeing here in MopeyWorld in the past week coming out of Springfield Ohio is just pure dystopia. But let's think back over 1 year ago in that same town, a young boy was killed by a reckless illegal immigrant Haitian....and not much was said......until the Haitian's started messing with the animals!

And the same phenomenon happened in a similar fashion during the CovidCult Era in 2020. The largest aborted fetal tissue bank was exposed down at the University of Pittsburgh. And even worse, it was found out that fetal scalps were being grafted onto mice under the orders of fauci in the name of "science" but in reality PURE EVIL was occurring in my opinion!

And the majority didn't seem to care, not until the beagle abuse scandal (again under Fauci's supervision) was exposed!

Why does an innocent boy in Springfield Ohio have to die, or untold amounts of baby boys and girls to be murdered and have their corpses abused and the majority doesn't really care? And yet when some pets or beagles are abused the majority DOES seem to care more!??

Have we really reached the point where the majority cares more about animals than people???

The answer is sadly..... YES!

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