The genie is out of the bottle. Humans, NOT extraterrestrials are flying UAPs!

2 months ago

As you can clearly see, I am here to promote a book. But this isn't just any book—rather, it's a development roadmap for sophisticated ideas. Yes, I am aware that creating a coloring book or many other silly subject books could be profitable, but the goal here is to present a workable idea rather than just to turn a profit.

Dave developed a two-seater experimental aircraft using readily available parts and data gathered from US patents.
His inspiration came from his training as a pilot under the Visual Flight Rules.
AND the Pentagon's statement, that some UAP’s, may be ultra-secret human technology.
The two-seater is Faster than an F16 fighter jet.

And hovers like a hummingbird.

Takes off and land like a helicopter.

Handles like a Cessna 172.

Includes hands free automatic flight control features with Customized Python program control algorithms.

An avionics system and a primary flight display, devoted to flight information, similar to a Cessna 172, are included in the crew compartment.

The two-seater also includes a Cessna 172-style landing wheels, brakes, and steering.

A pontoon is provided for a vertical water landing.

Easy to build with Standard off-the shelf items, tools and machinery.

And Basic electronic circuit components and integrated circuits.

A quick release pin Emergency cabin separation with a parachute is provided.

The two-seater features a self-sufficient energy power plant and a new improved motor generator with an electromagnetic armature stator.

In the beginning, the system works as a motor but, after a certain rotation, it functions as a self-sustaining generator, supplying energy to recharge batteries included.

The switching of the electromagnets is done in a similar way to the present brushless motors. The concept incorporates sophisticated control algorithms that govern the operation of both the motor and generator components. These algorithms take into account factors such as load conditions, speed variations, and energy demand, optimizing the system's overall performance. Real-time adjustments are made to ensure the motor-generator operates at peak efficiency under diverse operating conditions.

Included is a peripheral magnetic system made up of two integrated, counter-rotating platforms inside the craft.

The two-seater includes an inertial mass reduction device made up of microwave emitters, an outer resonant cavity, and an inner resonant cavity wall.

When the craft is maneuvered in different directions using the cockpit control column, different sections of the resonant cavity shroud may vibrate.
For instance, to move upwards the top portion of the resonant cavity shroud is vibrating, causing the polarized vacuum field to move the craft in the resultant vector direction.
Coaxial blades are also included.

And there you have it—a two-seater experimental aircraft assembled from standard off-the-shelf components.

Unfortunately, a short video like this cannot effectively present a great deal of information.
See Dr Salvatore Cesar Pais patent US 10144532 B2 and for additional information if interested download Dave's kindle eBook showing calculations, details, and specifications required to understand how it works.

Amazon provides up to 15 pages of read sample review for the kindle edition

kindle edition on Amazon

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