Atomic Biscuits - 20240908 - Who's War?

5 months ago

One of the key features of the American system of government is the concept of checks and balances. Fearing an out-of-control executive, after having suffered under the yoke of royal whims, the Founders sought to create a system that would keep fiat action at bay and return big decisions to We The People. In modern times we have laws which make it difficult for a president to act as a king, pointing his armies at his enemies for his own least that's the way it's meant to work. Congress is charged with declaring war, with approving certain cabinet picks, for providing oversight, which includes investigation of wrong-doing, in the administrative state.
So I have a question.
When did Congress declare war?
I challenge you to find where Congress declared war against Russia.
Rockets, technology, logistics, ships, tanks, fighting's all there.
So who directed these assets into place to wage war?

It's worth study.
Because the citizens of the United States foot the bill for these forever wars, and suffer the consequences of the decisions made in their name. Where are the reigns that We The People are meant to have on the federal machine? And who benefits. The warmongers, the banksters. And who suffers as the region is reshaped and rebuilt as another flavor of belt and road, rolls over them?

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