Unity Consciousness Update. The path to COMMUNITY on earth again.

5 months ago

In this episode, I talk about the importance of community during our spiritual awakening journey. Often times, we can feel alone and isolated on our spiritual journey as the intensity builds. Contacting or reaching out to others that you align with for support, is of the upmost importance. This journey is not meant to be done alone.

#unity #unityforhumanity #unityforchange #unityconsciousness #community #stagesofchange #spiritualawakening #spiritualawakeningsigns #spiritualjourney #spiritualexperience #ascension #higherconsciousness #higherself

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Key Takeaways

1. Community: Reconnecting with a community or just one person can provide support and understanding during a spiritual awakening, helping to alleviate feelings of isolation and feeling alone.

2. Modern Connections: Utilizing modern tools like Zoom or Skype to connect with individuals you align with can recreate the sense of tribe and support, there are billions of people on this planet choose those that you align with for support.

3. Self-Reflection: Engaging in self-reflection and seeking support from those who are on the spiritual journey or that at least can show you compassion without judgement, can lead to better navigation through your spiritual awakening journey.

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