Witnessing the End - Part 1 - The Final Decree Everyone Missed

5 months ago

The prophet Daniel wrote an amazing prophecy that foretold the first visitation of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and it very precisely predicted both the beginning of his ministry and His death as the lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. The prophecy counted down 490 years from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.

Many people also recognize that the same prophecy also tells us when Jesus will come back to rescue his followers and to judge the rest of mankind that have rebelled against Him on the earth, in the battle known as Armageddon.

In 1537 AD, another decree was issued to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, and it looks like the key to understanding the general timing of the return of Jesus Christ. The day and the hour are still unknown, but these events have already begun to unfold, so as we continue to watch prophecy come to pass, we can be increasingly confident that the day of our redemption is indeed at hand. And this second decree tells us when to expect Him...

Find out how a nearly 500-year old mystery is just now being revealed to help Christians get ready for the return of Jesus, the bridegroom.

May we be found ready when He comes (Luke 12:38).

You can learn more about all of this and a lot more by reading my book:

Witnessing the End: Daniel's Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed.

Download it for free at: https://WitnessingTheEnd.com

Also, check out my other videos on my channel, End Times Berean

Or go to my webpage: https://EndTimesBerean.com

You can also find me on YouTube.

Blessings in Jesus name!


Christian Widener, PhD

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