What is the second angels message in the book of revelation ?

5 months ago

What is the second angels message in the book of revelation ?
What is the three angels message about in the bible ?

What is the second angels message in the book of revelation ?This is the most incredible message in the bible . The last message for planet earth Jesus always sent test to prove to see if the person can be allowed in heaven The ark of Noah was a test Most people back then were believers .

What is the three angels message about in the bible ? But when a test is come people are tested in their unbelief or faith and honesty . This message says Jesus entered most holy place end of the 2300 days prophecy Gabriel says in daniel 12 This will happen end of the 1250 years prophecy which ended in 1798 . What is the second angels message in the book of revelation ?

The light of bible prphecy was sealed until the time of the end . This 3 angel smessages could only be given after the 1260 years of papal supremacy What is the three angels message about in the bible ? 538 Justinian gives temporal and spiritual power to the pope 1798 Berthier Napoleon general takes pope captive The 1260 years papal supremacy The wound will be healed the bible says Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us

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