Can you explain to me the first angel message in the new testament ?

4 months ago

What is the first angels message in the book of revelation ?
Can you explain to me the first angel message in the new testament ?

What is the first angels message in the book of revelation ? The first angels message is the everlasting gospel It talks about the hour of his judgment is come Which is it ? Jesus when he was baptised said The time is fulfilled . Which time was fulfilled ? The cleansing of the sanctuary . Can you explain to me the first angel message in the new testament ?

Everyday priests in Israel brought blood of animals to the temple, this had to be done in faith of the Messiah to come . What is the first angels message in the book of revelation ? Jesus entered the holy place after he resurected . Revelation 14 the first angels message says Jessus entered the most holy place at the end of the 2300 days prophecy .

Can you explain to me the first angel message in the new testament ? Gabriel says in daniel 9 this prophecy starts when Jerusalem is rebuilt . When was Jerusalem rebuilt ? In 457 So 457 plus 2300 we arrive at 1844 When the the judgment hour started . This is the first angels message All nations people need to listen to this message and follow Jesus in the sanctuary . Those who reject will receive the mark of the beast A very serious message Earth last day bible channel like , suscribe and support

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