Super Mario Galaxy Playthrough - Part 1

5 months ago

This is part 1 of my capture of me playing through Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii. This was recorded directly from my Wii (not the Wii U). I'm collecting all 120 stars in the game.

I've had a few requests for this, so here it is: the incredible Super Mario Galaxy.

I was a huge fan of Super Mario 64 ever since the game came out in 1996, but when Super Mario Sunshine was released in 2002, I was disappointed. It just wasn't a worthy follow-up to the first 3D Mario game. There was too much collecting (like Donkey Kong 64) and not enough platforming. Plus the final level was lackluster.

The best parts of Sunshine were actually when the game took away the waterpack and had you traversing crazy 3D obstacle courses. If the entire game had been designed like that, I would have enjoyed it much more.

Well, Nintendo must have noticed this, because Super Mario Galaxy seemed to take that crazy 3D obstacle course idea and put it on crack while incorporating a new gravity mechanic and avoiding too many clichéd collectathons.

I got Super Mario Galaxy for Christmas of 2007 and proceeded to play through it at the same time as Metroid Prime 3. Although I blasted through Metroid Prime 3, I took my time with Mario Galaxy and just completed a few stars here and there every day or so. It was wonderful. Definitely one of my more memorable holidays (video game-wise).

Super Mario Galaxy is my favorite 3D Mario game, hands down. The crazy platforming, the innovative control ideas, the awesome music... it's just a wonderful 3D platformer, and I think it easily beats Super Mario 64.

It has been a few years since I've beaten this game, so it should feel a bit fresh to me. I'm definitely going to enjoy this one. Like always, I'll be keeping track of each star I collect.

Stars collected in this video:

Gateway Galaxy:

Star 1 - Grand Star Rescue - 14:18

Good Egg Galaxy:

Star 1 - Dino Piranha - 19:10
Star 2 - A Snack of Cosmic Proportions - 26:25

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the Wii's component cables at 60 frames per second. I'm using a Wii Remote and nunchuck.

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