ABC’s David Muir Spreads Misinformation with ‘Fact-Check’ on Crime

16 days ago

During Tuesday night’s debate against Kamala Harris, David Muir and Linsey Davis, President Donald Trump made a statement about crime being up in the United States while highlighting migrant crime as a relatively new category.
David Muir was quick to ‘fact-check’ President Trump stating, “As you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is actually coming down in this country.”
President Trump responded:
“Excuse me, they were [fraudulent] statements. They didn’t include the worst cities. They didn’t include the cities with the worst crime. It was a fraud. Just like their number of 818,000 jobs that they said they created turned out to be a fraud.”
FACT CHECK: In last night's three-on-one debate the ABC News moderators used misleading crime data from the FBI to 'fact check' @realDonaldTrump. The reality is that Trump (as he usually is) was right - crime is not down - it is up, way up.
Kamala Harris and her willing accomplices in the mainstream media would have you believe that violent crime in America is at a 50-year low, a narrative eagerly parroted by so-called fact-checkers at Politifact and now ABC News. The reality, however, is far from what they claim. The only thing at a 50-year low is the integrity of violent crime data. Less than a year after taking office, Biden-Harris's administration had the FBI dismantle the long-standing crime reporting system, replacing it in 2021 with a new, 'woke' system that is optional for state and local law enforcement agencies to use. As a result, at least 6,000 law enforcement agencies aren't providing data, meaning that 25% of the country's crime data is not captured by the FBI. This deliberate underreporting skews the statistics, painting a falsely optimistic picture of public safety while real Americans continue to suffer from rising crime rates.
Democrat-controlled cities from New York to San Francisco have effectively decriminalized violent crime. For instance, in New York City, 52% of violent felony cases are downgraded to misdemeanors, and offenders are typically offered diversion agreements that keep these offenses out of crime statistics. This manipulation alone could account for a 50% or more drop in reported violent crimes in the Big Apple. Across the country, Soros-backed prosecutors are refusing to prosecute violent criminals or downgrading their charges in record numbers. This systematic underreporting and leniency are tactics used by Democrats to create a misleading narrative about public safety, while communities continue to suffer from unchecked crime.
It's not far-fetched to imagine that the Biden-Harris regime and the Democrats replaced the FBI's universal crime data system with a new optional system to fabricate this massive decrease in 'reported' crime. The move raises serious questions about their motives and the integrity of the data.
Of course, the Democrats will argue that the new system is more inclusive, allowing law enforcement agencies to record pronouns and gender identities, including transgender and nonbinary, as well as the sexual preferences of both criminals and victims. The timing and optional nature of the new system suggest an ulterior motive: to obscure the real rise in crime and present a false narrative of improvement under Democratic leadership.

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