5 months ago

I was kidnapped for over 24 hours without charges. I went to pick up my property and was attacked. Theypushed me onto the ground on my back and was going to beat me up until I stared the devil straight into his eyes. He backed off of me. The Supervisor had two men, cops pick me up and put me inside a truck with cops tags.They threaten to kill me. I suffered that night. They had the nerve to forge my signature on a ticket I never was given. I never was read my rights either. Just kidnapped and violated to steal my bond and life. They called me neighbors name out stating that this is what happens when you mess with people they like in town. They have been gangstalking my husband and EYE. Arresting drivers in fronts of our lot as intimidation. They do not respect your rights. They are nothing but FRAUDALENT THUGS with a bag collect money for the judge. The courts is a bank. This needs to be stopped. I am TIMAT OWNER OF EARTH AMD NATURE. JUDGEMENT IS ON THE STATE OF ARKANSAS FOR TREASON CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. DEATH WILL NOW JUDGE ALL IN THIS STATE. THANK ARKANSAS NEWPORT SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT.

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