4 months ago

Dakota Leazer a growth strategist with Google speaks out about Googles involvement in trying to overthrow the US election...

James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist Dakota Leazer on Google "Definitely Coordinating" with the Kamala Harris Campaign

I don't feel comfortable," states Dakota Leazer, a Google Growth Strategist, when confronted by James O'Keefe and @ OKeefeMediaGroup after OMG's release of undercover footage revealing Leazer admitting Google's manipulation of search engine results to favor Kamala Harris' campaign.

When O'Keefe asks Leazer to explain his comments about Google's coordination, Leazer denies his statements, saying, "I’ve never said that," despite O'Keefe showing him video evidence. "You’re on video saying these things," O'Keefe responds, pressing into Leazer's claim that Google is "reorienting the search engine so Kamala is more favored." Leazer continues to backtrack, stating, "I don't want to deal with any of this."

O'Keefe further questions Leazer on the ethical implications of Big Tech interfering in politics, only to be met with silence. Leazer abruptly abandons his date, making a hasty escape to a nearby Whole Foods, avoiding further accountability

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