Tomb Raider Legend (PSP Version) Random Gameplay - Lara Croft's Amazing Acrobat Skills Flipping Steel Crates on a Seesaw with her Amazing Tank Controls!

5 months ago

Tomb Raider Legend (PSP Version) Random Gameplay - Lara Croft's Amazing Acrobat Skills Flipping Steel Crates on a Seesaw with her Amazing Tank Controls!

Got a Special Treat for you Guys today,which I'm gonna Test out some Random Gameplay on one of those PSP Tomb Raider games called "Tomb Raider Legend":P

sp yep,this game runs pretty Well on this PSP Emulator,and there are versions of this game on the Gamecube,Nintendo DS,Game Boy Advance,PS2.Xbox as well,so if you want a more indepth analysis on the difference of each version of this game,I reccommend checking out this Video!

This game is the First in the PS2/PSP Tomb Raider Legends Trilogy! (the other 2 in this trilogy being TOmb Raider Anniversary and Tomb Raider Under WOrld)

oh and Yes,incase you guys are curious! Yes sir,Lara Croft still has the Stiff Tank Controls Intact and Present in these games too,but however,unlike the original PS1 games,the Tank Controls actually feel more responsive and Fluid in these PSP Tomb Raider games,which i demonstrate Here as Lara Croft fights off a Jaguar with her twin

and NOW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,prepare to be amazed by Lara Croft's "Amazing SeeSaw Steel Crafts" Act with her amazing Acrobatic skills,which no circus Performer would dare to attempt before,which this amazing Circus Act simply Requires Lara Croft's Amazing Stiff "Tank Controls" to perform this Circus Act to solve a Tomb Puzzle right here.Xd

So yep,Bomberman's not the only Puzzle Solver around here in the World of Action/Platforming/Adventure Puzzles,because Good old Lara Croft herself has a handful of Dangerous Puzzles herself she needs to solve Too!

also surprisely,in these TOmb Raider games from the gamecube,PS2,Nintendo DS,PSP Era,the Tank Controls are no longer the Issue like how Lara Struggled with in the PS1 games, NO SIR......instead,her WORST enemies in these games (Besides the Jaguar enemies) are the Stiff "Camara Angles" Themselves,which is a pain in the ass to turn the camera to see where your Going!

overall,great game so far!:P

and of course,Lara Croft's populariety over the Years led to Many Tie-in Comics based on her games:P

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