BONUS: Longlegs Analysis- Occult Demons, NLP MKULTRA, Satanic Murders, Doll Magick & Twin Peaks!

5 months ago

**This is the free feed preview- the full episode is 2.5 hours long! Sign up today:**

On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we have a supporters-only BONUS show for September where we’ll decode the horror film starring Nic Cage: LONGLEGS (*the full episode is 2.5 hours long)! Everyone’s talking about this- some say it’s the scariest horror film of all time so join along as we decode the occult & satanic symbolism! We’ll start with a look at the cast: Nic Cage’s occult methods, Alicia Witt’s Twin Peaks David Lynch connections, the director Osgood Perkins and some mystical occurrences with the creation of this film. We’ll walk through the whole film, pointing out symbolism of Twin Peaks, Saturn, T. Rex, MKULTRA, Freemasonry, Charles Manson, Apocalypse, Sigil of Lucifer, Order of Nine Angles Satanism, symbolism of Smiley Face Killers (we discuss Nine Inch Nails, Lynch, COIL and industrial rock magicians with demonic sigils), sympathetic/contagion doll magick, NLP mind control hand gestures and more! In the conclusion we’ll discuss more hidden symbolism behind the families murdered by LONGLEGS from the viral website including Frazer’s Golden Bough, Book of Revelation, Crowley & Parsons! We’ll then cover the Twin Peaks parallels and T. Rex’s supernatual oddities! Final thoughts will include the REAL meaning of this film so grab a friend of a friend and strap in- it’s a banger!

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OTHER SHOWS REFERENCED (*these are the free feed links- if you're on supporter feeds scroll back on your app to the date of show for ad-free version):
7/2020- Gretel and Hansel Film Analysis: Occult Magick Demon Food Witchcraft & Triangles!

7/2021- The House That Jack Built Pt 1: Lars von Trier and Occult Symbolism of Freemasonry & Saturn!

8/2021- BONUS: The House That Jack Built Pt 2: Meaning of Ending Alchemy and Spiritual Warfare!

12/2021- Satanic Nazis & the Global Death Cult Order of Nine Angles with William Ramsey!

12/2021- BONUS: Order of Nine Angles Magick Cult- Communications with Symbols Sigils and Satan!

3/2018- Smiley Face Killers Aleister Crowley and the 9/11 New Aeon: William Ramsey on CTAUC Podcast!

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