Darkness and Death will be seen on the Earth

4 months ago

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Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
13th of September 2024 05.39

A gross darkness and death will be seen on the Earth like in the days of Moses.

I, The Lord of Host, will go through the Earth with chastisement and cleansing my Bride.

I am cleansing My Beloved Bride because She has been compromised by Satan and his minions.

To the body of Christ keep yourself out of sin and go deeper into My heart and into My presence. The times that are coming will be not easy for many. Keep your eyes on Me and I will deliver you, save you and comfort you.

The earthquakes and shakings is the sign to My Children to get ready for My kabod, My glory and I Am preparing My Remnants to receive My glory.

There will be wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you will not be deceived.

I say therefore ask for a deeper understanding of who I Am. Ask for sharper discernment, ask of Me and I will answer you. It is crucial for My Bride to know Me and that She will know Me. Have ears to hear and eyes see.

Soon and very soon, You will be transformed as My Son Yeshua Hamashiach.

When I Am cleansing You and You are seeking deeper into My presence the transformation will take place.

My Beloved Bride, Your responsibility is to let Me into Your heart and let My light shine, yes, in every area of Your heart.

I hate sin, lies, witchcraft, violence,porn, idolatry (if you are married and have sex outside the marriage), drunkenness, fornication, all sorts of sexual sin, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness.

None of these can inherit the Kingdom. Unless you repent from your evil ways.

Renewing of your heart, your mindset of who I Am. Behold, I AM THAT I AM, will make everything new. I AM straightening the ways that were crooked. I will level the mountains to build a highway for the elect to walk on the way on holiness.

WATCH, be watchful like a watchmen on the wall and be aware of the firing darts from Your adversary put on the full armor.

Discernment is like a scale. On that scale every word and action will be weighing. You will all be held accountable for every word and actions that is spoken, said and done.

My Kingdom is in My Bride and She will shine as My Son Yeshua Hamashiach.

Psalm 27

Exodus 10:21-23

Isaiah 60:1-2

Isaiah 35: 8-10

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