DOJ Releases Crime Data Showing Major Increase In Violent Crime Under Biden-Harris

6 months ago

President Donald Trump has been vindicated after ABC moderators fact checked him saying violent crime was down under the Biden-Harris Administration when in fact, According to the Data just released by the DOJ, violent crime is significantly higher than it was in 2020 – when Trump was in office.
Listen to this – the data shows that Violent Crime has increased by 55% under the Biden-Harris administration, compared to a 17% drop under Trump.
In 2023 about 7 million people across the nation were victims of violent crime.
Aggravated assaults spiked 55%, Robbery is up 63% and rapes increased by 42% under Biden-Harris.
Plus the number of people reporting certain crimes like robberies is down to just 44%, a drop from 64% last year.
The National crime survey is one of two ways crime is tallied, the other is the FBI’s crime reporting database – which in 2021 – stopped receiving reports from police departments in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and other large cities.

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