Comment 243: Are You Loving The Wrong Jesus? Part 3

6 months ago

Comment Number 243 is on the World Net Daily Website on INSTICATOR. PART 3: COMMENTING ON THE ARTICLE - BAD THEOLOGY: ARE YOU LOVING THE WRONG JESUS? By: Greg Laurie. In previous comments and in Parts 1 and 2, you were introduced to FAKE CHRISTIANS, FAKE CHRISTIANITY and how to identify FAKE CHRISTIANS and FAKE CHRISTIANITY. You were also shown the connection between this FAKERY and Luciferian Worship that is cleverly disguised as worshiping the Morning Star or Lucifer. This Luciferian worship is personified by the man god or god in the flesh that was created by the Catholic Church and is known to the world as Jesus the Christ. In the year 325 A.D., Emperor Constantine convened a Church council at Nicea in Turkey and ordered the Gentile Bishops to decide the status of Jesus for his new state religion. At Nicea Jesus was 'elected god' by a vote of 218 to 2.

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