Episcopal Candidate Interview - Salama Hassan

5 months ago

Consider spending some time with one of the three episcopal candidates from the new GMC conferences in Nigeria. I got to get to know him much better, learning about his ministry context, the ways in which God has uniquely equipped him, and the common convictions we share. I hope this is of benefit to you as you pray for our leadership in the GMC!

Link to GMC Profile on Rev. Hassan - https://globalmethodist-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mhowe_globalmethodist_org/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmhowe%5Fglobalmethodist%5Forg%2FDocuments%2FAdditional%20Nominee%20Profiles%2FSalama%20Hassan%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fmhowe%5Fglobalmethodist%5Forg%2FDocuments%2FAdditional%20Nominee%20Profiles&ga=1

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