#4: What is the brOSR?

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So, my experience when it comes to many who identify as brOSR has usually been, well, not a pleasant one, to say the least. It usually insists on many from that side telling me that "I'm wrong" and that "I don't know how to play," which is then followed by a block.

However, there have been a handful of people who have approached me and have politely been able to inform me that this is not what the brOSR is supposed to be. This got me pondering for a bit, and now I've decided that we should REALLY take a look at what the brOSR is all about.

So, join me as I chat with @ScutiferMike and ask the important question: What is the brOSR?

The Deck of Many Triggers: https://giantslayergames.com/product/the-deck-of-many-triggers-2/

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