Mum Moose Defends Two Young Calves Against An Unassuming Cyclist

6 years ago

This is one of those videos that makes you sigh a sigh of relief that you do not live in Alaska, where cyclists are obviously under attack of wild moose.

On May 29, 2018, a mother moose and her two young calves found themselves stranded on the strip beside a busy highway, which is definitely not the best place for a moose family outing. The mother literally pushed against the fence, became so protective that she was filmed charging at unassuming cyclists moving down the bike path. Clearly, this mum believed the cyclists were a little too close to her calves. She is seen in the video dangerously charging at the cyclist and knocking him off his bike down to the ground. Mosses are known to trample on what they see as a threat, so the cyclist was in real danger.

Luckily for the cyclist, two news reporters were near the scene, one of them is also the author of this video. The news crew immediately came to the rescue, positioning their SUV between the cyclist still laying down and the agitated moos family. After the reporters established all was well, the cyclist rode off and they accompanied him for a short distance. This is an alternative view video of how the moos charges the reporter’s SUV.

This close encounter with an annoyed moose serves as an upsetting reminder about the dangers of wildlife when their young are nearby. A mum moose is not to be messed with, people!

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