BC's Nursing Crisis: Unlawful Terminations by BC's Health Authorities and Arbitrary Conduct of BCNU

5 months ago

Corinne Mori, independent candidate for the Kootenay Central riding of British Columbia, is an indefatigable advocate for the rights of BC’s nurses and residents. For some three years now, Corinne Mori has been working on behalf of the thousands of nurses in BC who were unlawfully terminated after refusing mandated injections of the mRNA COVID-19 genetic vaccines. These are truly labours of Hercules—both enormously laborious and surprisingly thankless.

BC's unvaccinated nurses were not only unlawfully terminated. Their union refused to assist them, neglecting to use the many effective instruments available to them to defend their members' rights against infringement by the government employer.

With some framing discussion supplied by Dr. Cockle, Corinne Mori here discusses at length the trials and tribulations faced by the ethically stalwart nurses in British Columbia who have not only exercised their right to refuse COVID-19 vaccination, but have had to engage proceedings against their union for failing to protect the rights of its membership against infringement by the employer.

For more vital content please visit Constructive Dissent, a website dedicated to imparting information, inspiring debate, and encouraging individual and collective action to restore and protect democratic, rights-based, rule of law governance and legal systems.


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