# Author Betsey Lewis tells us about her book and investigations into ETs.and American Indians

5 months ago

In this episode of "The Strange Reality Show with Dave Emmons," my guest is Betsey Lewis. The show was recorded on 9-11-24. Betsey starts the show by discussing her ET experiences and abduction with missing time. She said it began when she was very young. In her conversation, she discusses the event at Dulce, NM, the abductions of Native American Indian women, and the history of American Indians meeting ETs throughout history. Betsey tells some really shocking abduction stories of other experiencers she has interviewed. Betsey tells us about the giant reptilian beings that inhabit many planets in our solar system - she said they are called lizzies. She tells us about the Blue Men and Stargate portals worldwide. Betsey tells us about a fascinating story of two young Native American girls and their horses being abducted. Betsey tells us stories from several of her books filled with ET information. Very exciting. She theorizes that cloned humans have been dumped in major cities in the past twenty years to create chaos.
Betsey Lewis is the author of 23 books. She mainly tells stories from the book Abducted. She has traveled to many places to collect her stories and has a Stargate Radio Host show. Betsey is also a psychic who has predicted presidential winners. She has worked with renowned cattle mutilation experts; she is a speaker and has been investigating UFO/ETs for 40 years. Her website is betseylewis.com. Her books are available on Amazon and other platforms. She has an Earth News Daily Blog; the show was just mentioned. Her new book Mystic Revelations of Thirteen Vol. II is coming soon. This show was interrupted and cut short for the unknown reason Zoom posted.

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