Led Zeppelin Having Fun

9 days ago

From Ryan Thompson -
Subject: A Tip About Banks & A Few Words On Opinion Orders

Received a tip today that's interesting me enough to give you a heads up about it amidst barely looking into it so far.

Flagstar Bank is a bank holding company and mortgage loaner in Troy Michigan that's substantially involved with municipal bonds and government housing programs.

So far it seems Federal Judge David O. Carter has presided over roughly ten cases Flagstar was a party to, from Judge Carter's California Court.

Judge David O. Carter apparently received two mortgages from Flagstar, on his Laguna Beach estate in 2012 - neither of which appear in the County / State land records.

In 2013 - a U.S. Federal Court Ordered Flagstar to pay $90,100,000.00 USD to a bond insurer as damages for material contract breaches regarding the quality and characteristics of mortgage loans.

The aforementioned Federal Case is not among the ten or so Federal Judge David O. Carter has presided over (including those in 2012 & 2013) from his California Bench; wherein the Michigan Bank was a Party.

In 2022 Flagstar Bank merged with New York Community Bank, in part by somehow declaring the transaction didn't require FDIC Review; despite many at FDIC Publicly disagreeing.  Shortly thereafter, New York Community Bank surprised Wall Street with plummeting financials requiring bankruptcy relief...  Until Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin rescued the bank in March 2024 with a billion dollars from his Saudi, UAE and Qatari sovereign wealth funded Liberty Capital investment bank; since when Mr. Mnuchin controls NYCB and Flagstar's executive management.  A Congressional Investigation regarding the Flagstar merger with NYCB began earlier this year.

Mr. Mnuchin's children attend the illegally operating, $70M+ annual revenue, $45K annual tuition, Non-Profit Brentwood School that conspires against the survival of disabled homeless Veterans with intent to continue stealing their and the USG's Federal Deeds-Restricted Lands; that has built nearly all of its illegal 'East Campus' facilities with over $70M of California iBank Bonds and other Public finance, a significant portion of which the illegally operating racket was 'awarded' while then-California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's children attended.  While U.S. Treasury Secretary - Mr. Mnuchin was directly involved with awarding a roughly $10M PPP Loan to Brentwood School while holding National Press Conferences criticizing the Los Angeles Lakers PPP Loan Award.  Purportedly, Brentwood School since returned the loan shortly after it failed to suppress the transaction from Public awareness.

Los Angeles Based private wealth and global asset management banker Adam Feit, moved over to lead Flagstar Bank's endeavors in that space, from his Los Angeles office; given Flagstar has no L.A. Office.  Mr. Feit joins Flagstar after a decade or so at the West Los Angeles National Soldiers Home Illegal Enhanced Use Lease Racket Illegal Mortgage & Illegal Federal Land Collateralizing US Bank Corp.  The Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation listed Adam Feit as the Fifth of Five-Hundred Most Influential People In Los Angeles; right under JP Morgan, Enhanced Use Lease Racket collaborator Bank of America and Cathay General Bancorp.  Welcome Adam!

On August 6th, 2024 and in an apparently agreeable response to Powers v. McDonough's six remaining Class Action Plaintiffs' for every disabled homeless Veteran in only Los Angeles' "Representatives of Counsel's" sudden post-resting-of-case's new request outside of The Complaint; in turn based on said Plaintiffs' 'Expert Witness' megamall developer, former LAPD Commissioner and former Weingart Director / Trustee / Chair Steven L. Soboroff's Testimony and Filings - Federal Judge David O. Carter issued his 'Opinion Order' in the Non-Jury Trial Case that, among other things:

a) traditional (mortage collateralized) bank finance that is strictly illegal by the National Soldiers Home's Deeds, PL 114-226 and 38 USC 816X, may now be engaged or shall we say criminally conspired to 'legalize' such already happening in every single [illegal] EUL;

b) the remaining 750 of the bullshit 1,200 "Permanent Supportive Housing Units" that Powers v. McDonough's Counsel 'For Plaintiffs' promised back in 2015, via non-existent 'settlement' fabricating the Valentini V. Shinseki Federal Case already Adjudged, Ruled & Ordered for the disabled homeless Veteran Plaintiffs in 2013 had been Vacated without the never willing to settle Plaintiffs ever Agreeing - will now convert into temporary modular sheds upon The National Soldiers Home's many-times proven to be uninhabitable, toxic / radioactive waste dumps, with the help of at least $100M of additonal Federal Public Funds that have a chance to be the first not gone missing in this Criminal Racket; and thus,

c) Carter ordered the entirely illegal, including by PL 114-226 'WLAVA', over 450,000 square foot megamall for the general Public (aka 'Town Center') to begin "Active Construction" by no later than 18 months from 08/06/2024: while another illusion of wow now up to 1,800 units of 'Permanent Supportive Housing' to be rented at 160% FMV rents to not homeless, not disabled but 'Veterans' whom can afford such rents via HUD VASH Vouchers hoarded by bankers Housing Authorties until they can get 'em to their old former HUD colleagues' uncompetitively awarded, Publicly Funded and privately profited Projects - yet those 1,800 units will be on a Six Year Timeline, may be arbitrarily reduced in quantity by fiat of an appointed 'Monitor' AND CAN BE BUILT ANYWHERE OUTSIDE THE NATIONAL SOLDIERS HOME that is in the VA GLAHS 'Catchment Area'.

Furthermore, apparently because all-tough-talk-so-far Carter is a big fan of the fake, conspiratoral, post-Judgement and non-existent Valentini v. Shinseki 'settlement' concept: of one day down the road pinky promise 'exit strategy' we'll pinky promise plan someday later while renewing the illegal deals behind dying homeless disabled Veterans' backs' Deeds-Restricted Federal Lands a CRIMINAL RACKET steals - Carter also Ordered NOT the Termination of Brentwood School and UC Regents already long since Adjudged, Found and Reported Illegal Land Misuse Steals; but the initiation of hearings to initiate plans to initiate considering an "exit strategy" for those disabled homeless Veteran killers whom never miss a moment to Publicize how great they are for disabled homeless Veterans.

To date, it is reasonably evident that, since at least January 29th, 2015 - there is demonstrably no worse violation of Public Law and Public Integrity; regarding the Publicly Funded survival of Our NATION'S disabled homeless Veterans at their National Soldiers Home in Our COUNTRY'S Capital of Veteran Homelessness known as Los Angeles County, than Federal Judge David O. Carter's August 6th, 2024 Opinion Order with the appended non-Opinion [purported] Conclusions Of Law; if not also in context - the most apparently misrepresented and suppressive Press coverage of such...

... Such as in not only the types of things that facilitate the continued, avoidable death of disabled Veterans by conspired homelessness without remorse over indefinite period - but also the types of things University of California's, Weingart-Funded Irvine Campus Law colleagues Mark Rosenbaum, Roman Silberberg and David O. Carter expressly Request, Demand, Opine and Order at Public Expense, under Public Oath - while purportedly 'holding VA accountable' for not only whatever VA may have done; but moreso as the scapegoat for every Crime third-parties committ upon The National Soldiers Home's Deeds-Restricted Federal Lands not in 'Charitable', but the Permanent "Public Trust": of only Our United States Federal Government - right after Our United States Department of Veterans Affairs is perplexedly and Illegally evicted from wherever such third-party Criminal Racketeers steal and exclusively committ those crimes in absence of US DVA's operational presence, despite their contractually agreed mandates and preformance serially breached because Criminals can't be trusted to do the jobs a Publicly Audited, Investigated and Regulated Democracy must under its Peoples' watch.

It is now time to return to not only the most consistently successful, lawful, ethical and efficient Master Plan for the National Soldiers Home; but also the one that was on track to deliver 1,200 units of housing for HOMELESS Veterans there with Building 209 already running by 2015 and the rest fully Publicly Funded with approved construction plans, all without conditioning any theft of and racketeering on that Federal Deeds Restricted Federal Lands.

Given now even Federal Judge David Carter has Testified an Express Opinion I concede to also wholeheartedly agree with his tough-talk about, specifically that The National Soldiers Home is defrauded, stolen and obstructed to the point of killing disabled Veterans by homelessness BECAUSE OF CRIME - I don't believe there is any further question as to whether we true advocates are conspiracy theorists about such rampant Federal Criminal Conspiracy and its Public Corruption even a second longer; especially for no reason beyond contemplating taxed shopping sprees disabled Veterans in toxic shed shanties would have a front-row seat of while working on their post-service connected PACT ACT claims -

Because It's Time To Do What A Federal Civil Court Cannot, Because Only A Federal Criminal Court Can.

Are you for disabled Veterans, or Downtown Brentwood?



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