Amendment to Add the CAS as a “Chinese Entity of Concern” Passed

12 days ago

09/11/2024 REP. Ben Cline's amendment to add the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as a “Chinese entity of concern” passed. Cline said that the CAS has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army, as highlighted by multiple U.S. government bodies, and is linked to China's military, nuclear, and cyber espionage programs. And the CAS is also connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
#CAS #amendment #CCP #ChinaWeek
09/11/2024 美国共和党议员本杰明·李·克莱因提出的将中国科学院(CAS)列为 “值得关注的中国实体” 的修正案获得通过。克莱因称中科院与中共和中国人民解放军存在紧密联系,并被美国多个政府机构指出其与中国军事、核武器和网络间谍项目有关联。此外,中科院还与武汉病毒研究所有关。
#中国科学院 #修正案 #中共 #中国周

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