I'm Breaking 3 Rules - No I don't want to DEBATE the Debase

4 months ago

I just want you to SURVIVE

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I will be bringing you exclusive information over the next few weeks to help your context and social construct process that the world as you know it is about to CHANGE and if you are not prepared then you might die. We are out of time to have a conversation, I don't care about your opinion or world view or who taught you Sunday School or that your grandfather was a deacon and fought in WW2. I don't care if you were spit on by the POPE himself, it's time to get these 5 preps squared away. Let's agree to disagree, Let's save the DEBATE until after these DEMONS are done killing the innocent and the weak.

What is taking place right before your eyes is incrementalism on STEROIDS. You are asleep at sea and your rudder is off 2 degrees, and when you wake up you will be 500 miles off course. Literally up crap creek without a paddle because you want to justify your lack of study. You want to claim facts like AMERICA will never fall because ITS too big to fail. You want to trust that everything is going to be fine. Biden right now or should I say his handlers ( The GLOBALIST ) are planning to launch LONG RANGE NUKES into the deep interior of RUSSIA and PUTIN is about DONE playing games with NATO. Yes Biden is at the beach but I assure you Putin is wide eyed and bushy tailed. We have crossed enough of his lines, we have destroyed enough of his resources, we have stolen enough of his assets, and yes my friends RUSSIA, CHINA and IRAN including TURKEY will KICK our ass.


Want a forecast to where AMERICA is heading? Click here.....


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You can call me crazy....I could care less...but the DHS just today has declared that Jan. 6, 2025 will be under Military control and there will be no PROTESTING another stolen election.


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