Top 10 Animal-Based Meat and Fruit Diet Tips for Beginners

8 days ago

Shalom Brothers and Sisters welcome back to my channel Be Like Christ. I have one of the worst auto-immune conditions known Huntintington’s Disease. In the words of Pink Floyd “You can’t have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat?”
There is no reason to fear red meat, cholesterol or fruit. We need those to survive. I have searched my life for the best diet to be my best. What sold me on red meat most of my life avoiding it having high blood pressure 44 years. It went down 7 years ago and I have been an addict ever since. Thank God for the carnivore diet, but I have evolved.

Today we're diving into the top 10 tips for beginners starting an animal-based diet. Let's get right into it!
Tip 1: Start with a Clean Slate
First, remove these four things from your diet:
Seed oils are the worst and will stay in your system for 2-3 years.
High fructose corn syrup
Artificial sweeteners
Vegetables (especially leaves, stems, and seeds of plants)
This includes grains, nuts, and beans. Clearing these out sets the stage for your new eating habits.
Tip 2: Focus on Quality Meats
Prioritize grass-fed, free-range meats. They're higher in nutrients, especially omega-3 fatty acids. While fish can be included, be mindful of potential contaminants like heavy metals and microplastics.
Tip 3: Incorporate Organ Meats
Don't shy away from organs! They're incredibly nutrient-dense. If you're not ready for fresh organs, try desiccated organ supplements from

Tip 4: Balance Your Macros
Aim for about twice as many calories from fat as from protein. This helps maintain ketosis and provides sustainable energy. The best tool I use is Chronometer.
Tip 5: Include Carbohydrates from Fruit and Honey
Contrary to some beliefs, moderate carb intake from fruits and honey can be beneficial. It helps prevent potential issues like increased methylglyoxal production seen in very low-carb diets.
Tip 6: Stay Hydrated and Mind Your Electrolytes
As your body adjusts, you may need to increase water and electrolyte intake. Consider adding a pinch of salt to your water. I order electrolytes from the health ranger store.
Tip 7: Listen to Your Body
Pay attention to how you feel. Adjust your food choices and quantities based on your energy levels, digestion, and overall well-being.
Tip 8: Be Patient
It can take time for your body to adapt. Give yourself at least 30-90 days before making any judgments about the diet's effects on you.
Tip 9: Plan Your Meals
Meal planning can help you stay on track and ensure you're getting a variety of nutrients. Consider batch cooking to save time.
Tip 10: Stay Informed and Connected
Keep learning about the diet and connect with others following a similar path. This can provide motivation and helpful tips.
Remember, this diet isn't one-size-fits-all. It's about finding what works best for your body. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes.
That's it for our top 10 tips! If you found this helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe. See you in the next video!
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