Justice and Detachment Energy Vlog

6 months ago

Justice and Detachment Energy Vlog title is from the date September 12, 2024 thus 29 which adds to 11 the master number for the ascended masters adn it stands for the Justice card too. Which we would like to be fair; balanced and truthful. The Divine Abundance Oracle gave us the Detachment card through detachment our desires Ironically will manifest.

The schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news showed us a amplitude power of 17 at 9:30 AM UTC thus the Hanged Man halts to change his perspective of the Star so he can have hope and a clear vision. The quality power of 14 thus the Temperance card with balance and healing of the Angel of temperance. The Frequency average is 7.70 also giving us the temperance card.
Therefore, I say: Justice for the hanged man as he tempers his view of the Star fro temperance brings balance to justice and healing.
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