Under $20 Soldering Irons – Are Any Of Them Usable

5 months ago

I’m testing some very cheap soldering irons from Amazon. The criteria were: listed as 60 watts or better and less than 20 dollars. And this list wasn’t even all of them. And I did learn from this that the wattage listed for the iron doesn't convey the heat it can produce at the iron tip.

Soldering Iron Links:
HANDSKIT https://a.co/d/9CBvSn5
K KERNOWO 100W https://a.co/d/f6zpqNo
Liouhoum https://a.co/d/fH4CvfW
Q-MING 80W https://a.co/d/7XylOUg
SREMTCH https://a.co/d/0rbnV2Y
K KERNOWO 68W https://a.co/d/bizPvC1
Q-MING 100W https://a.co/d/2mSXCd5
TXINLEI https://a.co/d/epNcYWf
YIHUA https://a.co/d/3qHzARn
MEAKEST https://a.co/d/9730srO

00:00 Intro
01:00 Soldering iron description
04:54 TXINLEI test
07:34 K KERNOWO 68W test
09:09 Liouhoum test
10:57 YIHUA test
14:33 Q-MING 80W test
16:41 SREMTCH test
18:22 MEAKEST test
20:19 Q-MING 100W
22:14 K KERNOWO 100W
23:21 HANDSKIT test
25:12 Reference iron
26:41 Conclusion

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