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2024 New Releases
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Temple of Wolf - Marsz (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Polish nsbm. First release out on Lower Silesian Stronghold.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Płonąca Arkona (Arkona's on Fire)
7:29 2. Powstańmy (Let's rise up)
11:52 3. Marsz (March)
16:42 4. Ręce wzniesione (Arms Up)
20:36 5. 14 Words
25:22 6. Sanhedryn zła (Honor cover) (Sanhedrin of Evil)
Old Leshy - Na Skraju Przepaci (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Polish pagan black metal on Werewolf Promotion.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Na Skraju Przepaści (Pogarda dla Ludzkości) (Edge of the Abyss (Contempt for Humanity))
6:22 2. Nienawiść Płynąca w Mym Wnętrzu (Hatred Flowing Within Me)
12:45 3. Upadły Świat (Fallen World)
17:49 4. W Lodowatych Czeluściach (In the Icy Depths)
23:53 5. Cumulonimbus (cumulus clouds)
30:29 6. Za Mgłą II (Beyond the Fog II)
35:13 7. Zjaw i Kruków Żer (The Phantom and the Raven Prey)
39:12 8. W Krainie Leszego (Las) (In the Land of the Leshen)
44:16 9. Aurora Borealis
50:52 10. W Autystycznej Zabłąkanej Duszy (In an autistic stray soul)
53:49 11. This Will End The Cold War
Volkshammer (US) - Amerika Erwache (Full Demo) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
NSBM from USA. First release.
0:00 1. Intro
0:36 2. Destiny Moves Us Westward
4:04 3. The Revolutionary Spirit
7:55 4. Native Blood On Appalachian Soil
12:24 5. Patriots Blood
17:43 6. Amerika Erwache!
24:23 7. Bonus Track
Ruthanas - In Der Felsenschlucht (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
First release from German black metal band. Really interesting riffs on this album. Last song is really good. I'm sure I've heard part of that riff somewhere but its still really good.
0:00 1. Ruf der Walküren (Call of the Valkyries)
1:39 2. Tal des Todes (Valley of Death)
5:53 3. Der Fluch (The Curse)
9:58 4. Bergemarsch (Mountain March)
14:38 5. In Ehrenzeiten (In Times of Honour)
24:13 6. Heimatlied (Homeland Song)
Heraldic Blaze - Blazoned Heraldry (Full Demo) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
USA/Norway demo released on Purity Through Fire.
0:00 1. Torchbearers Of Our Time
4:21 2. Far Shooting Apollo
8:53 3. The Accolade Of Truth
13:42 4. A Sovereign Spire
18:47 5. The Knight's Folly
21:01 6. Scourge Of The Sycophant
Eisenwinter / Wehrhammer - Uralt im Hass (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
This was held in German customs since April it just got here yesterday. I forgot all about it. German NSBM split.
0:00 1. Eisenwinter - Intro
1:03 2. Eisenwinter - Wenn Wir Nur Noch Ruinen Sind (When we are just ruins)
7:05 3. Eisenwinter - Unter Den Stählernen Sternen (Under the stars of steel)
9:56 4. Eisenwinter - Immergrimm & Steinernseel (Forever Angry (Everwrath?) & Soul of Stone)
12:43 5. Eisenwinter - Der Bund Ser Blutigen Taten (The League of Bloody Deeds)
15:14 6. Eisenwinter - Der Reigen Der Aschfahlen Geister (The Round Dance of the Ashen Spirits)
19:13 7. Eisenwinter - Outro
21:02 8. Wehrhammer - Der Pakt Mit Dem Bock (The Pact With The Goat)
24:20 9. Wehrhammer - Der Letzte Augenblick (The Last Moment)
27:44 10. Wehrhammer - Feuer Aus Dem Schatten (Fire from the Shadows)
31:40 11. Wehrhammer - Donnernde Melodie Des Todes (Thunderous Melody of Death)
Merlina So Sad - Burzum Kingdom (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Dungeon Synth released on Dominance of Darkness.
0:00 1. Burzum Kingdom
3:35 2. Dunkelheit Chapter I
7:39 3. Hermodr a Helferd
10:01 4. Ea, Lord of the Depths Chapter I
12:45 5. A Thulean Perspective
16:30 6. Dunkelheit Chapter II
19:15 7. Ea, Lord of the Depths Chapter II
21:52 8. The Reckoning of Man
25:11 9. Die Liebe Nerpus
27:31 10. Welcome to the Burzum Kingdom
Altertum / Solus Grief - I skyggen mellom liv og død (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Split "In the shadow between life and death" between two Norwegian bm/dsbm bands released on Purity Through Fire in 2024.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Altertum - Scorched by Heavenly Fire
6:46 2. Altertum - Fog and Darkness
11:25 3. Altertum - Glimmer of Steel
16:41 4. Altertum - Crimson Twilight
22:47 5. Solus Grief - Mass of Stolen Fires
32:31 6. Solus Grief - Nexus
34:15 Solus Grief - In This Life
Pâlefroid - L'Appel (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
French nationalist melodic black metal
0:00 1. L'impie (Ungodly)
4:40 2. Debout les morts! (Rise up the dead!)
9:37 3. Reconquête (Reconquest)
14:38 4. La houle (The Swell)
19:34 5. Sur Les Ailes De La Tempête (feat. Hyver) (On the Wings of the Storm)
24:35 6. L'Appel (The Call)
30:48 7. Bâtard Galeux (Mangy Bastard)
36:33 8. Pro Patria Mori (To Die For One's Homeland)
42:46 9. La Mort Du Roy (The King's Death)
Celtic Dance - Obsolete Tolerance (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Celtic Dance has been around since 1995 I have some splits where they sound terrible and I've never listened to the whole side even once. This album is pretty good tho this is the only band I can think of where I like their work 20 years later better than the early stuff.
0:00 1. One-Eyed Wing
4:36 2. Obsolete Tolerance
9:47 3. Trial By Heart
15:34 4. Darkness Down Below
22:39 5. The Hand Of Triumph
27:38 6. Além Da Carne
30:59 7. Primordial Courage & Resilience
Hatefrost / Xaos Oblivion - The Cold Mountains (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Polish split EP
0:00 1. Hatefrost - Intro
1:41 2. Hatefrost - The Cold Wintermoon Part I
7:46 3. Xaos Oblivion - Intro
9:00 4. Xaos Oblivion - Possessed Under Owl Mountains Sky
Keygen Church - Nel Nome Del Codice (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
MBR's classical/black metal/synth/electronic metal band. Very unique but really good. If Bach was alive now and made a metal album.
0:00 1. Se Hai Timore Del Vero (If you are afraid of the truth)
4:32 2. La Chiave Del Mio Amor (The key to my love)
10:50 3. Sulla Via Della Gloria (On the Way to Glory)
16:49 4. Nel Nome Del Codice (In the Name of the Code)
22:46 5. Lode Al Disco Sacro (Praise to the Sacred Disc)
28:31 6. Il Paradiso Dell'Anima (The Paradise of the Soul)
34:13 7. La Voce Del Destino (The Voice of Destiny)
39:49 8. Che Sia Vita O Morte (Be it life or death)
46:22 9. Sempre Nel Mio Pensiero (Always In My Thoughts)
In the name of the Code,
and of the Sacred Disk,
and of the Holy System.
Our Core, which art in Data,
Hallowed be Thy Code.
Truth of all Truths.
On Disk as it is on Screen.
Forever and ever.
Inexistência - Extinct... (The Coming of a Cursed Age) (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
0:00 1. The Adversarial Rising
7:03 2. Black Light's Curse
12:26 3. Order of Draconian Blood
19:42 4. He Who Fell from the Heavens
28:19 5. Diving Away Into the Sea of Madness
31:35 6. Twilight of Evil Crowned
39:07 7. Under Erebus' Veil
49:12 8. The Pride of Luciferian Race
Varenth - Under Reign of Hellfire (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
First full album from US black metal band Varenth. (Blackened Death/Thrash/Black Metal)
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Black Moon Rises
4:51 2. Untitled
5:26 3. On Black Wings
10:12 4. Beneath A Morning Star
14:38 5. Interlude
16:21 6. Sulfuric Winds
21:00 7. Dawn of Heresy
25:40 8. Depths of Eternity
31:14 9. Outro
Auld Ridge - For Death and Glory, to the Gods I Cry (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Black Metal/Ambient from England. Songs about pre-roman Britain. 5th album by this guy already and they are all very good.
Buy it here (digital):
0:00 1. Blood and the Tides
10:08 2. Fyrir dauða ok dýrð við enska brúna
20:36 3. On gebyrde mid natur
23:56 4. Henmaen, Gothur Hanes Etta Gweleth
31:42 5. Ar Cricinagneth, An Agen Albannu Tu Telyr
Withering - Demo II (Full Demo) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Second Demo from Quebec.
Buy Digital Album here:
0:00 1. Sans Lendemain (No tomorrow)
7:53 2. La chute du Firmament (The Fall of the Firmament)
16:28 3. Jadis Lumière (Once Light)
21:52 4. Depuis les steppes je marcherai (From the steppes I will walk)
Kategorie C - Ruf der Götter 2 (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
0:00 1. Heimdall
4:31 2. Nornen
8:30 3. Ragnars Rüstung (Ragnar's armor)
13:05 4. Runenlichter (Runic lights)
18:29 5. Söhne Odins (Sons of Odin)
22:08 6. Stern im Norden (Star in the north)
27:48 7. Tyr
33:40 8. Walhallas Tor
38:37 9. Wallkürenruf (Call of the Valkyrie)
42:58 10. Weltenesche
46:50 11. Wir sehen uns in Walhalla (See you in Valhalla)
Ahnenerbe / Ewige Eiche - Gloria Germania (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Split of two German nsbm bands. Ahnenerbe is melodic atmospheric black metal and Ewige Eiche combines nsbm, pagan and neofolk. I liked his side so much I just got his full album that was just released too.
Buy vinyl here:
Buy CD here:
0:00 1. Ahnenerbe - Ruhmes Ewigkeit
3:18 2. Ahnenerbe - Das Blut
8:25 3. Ahnenerbe - Gloria Germania
19:00 4. Ahnenerbe - Schwarze Sonne (Nachspielversion)
24:14 5. Ewige Eiche - Weg ins Licht
28:12 6. Ewige Eiche - Euer Herzen Feuer
33:13 7. Ewige Eiche - Runenkrieger
39:01 8. Ewige Eiche - Stahl ist Heimaterde
Poglavnik - U čast predaka (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Croatian nsbm. 2nd EP both released in 2024.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. K ognju naše domovine
3:02 2. Kralju Zvonimiru
6:08 3. Mourning Soul (Absurd cover)
8:13 4. Hladno srce je vječna zima (Kozlak cover)
12:43 5. Smrt se ziva
Walsung - Thulean Heritage (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New release from Walsung on Hammer of Damnation Records.
0:00 1. Echoes of Eclipsed Realms
6:30 2. Hyperborea Beyond the Northern
8:22 3. The Hammer Falls on Them
12:08 4. Autumn Aurora (Live)
15:54 5. The Call of the Owl (Live)
The Pale Riders - Ballades d'outre-tombe (Full Album) (2024) (Country/Black Metal)
National Socialist Black Metal
The Pale Riders are Baise Ma Hache with a country singer playing country and western soundtrack black metal. Album just came out a week or two ago. I'm listening to first time now myself.
0:00 1. Apocalypse Gringos
6:51 2. Old World Tombs
15:57 3. Le bivouac des morts (de Théodore O'Hara)
21:24 4. New Dark
27:40 5. Black Frontiers (Ode à la chouannerie sudiste)
33:01 6. As Fast as I Can
36:46 7. Blaines Ouest I & II
44:45 8. Pitbull.44
49:51 9. Lost Highway Knights
1389 - Zloslutni četinari srpske (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Cassette only new release from Serbian NSBM legend 1389. Co-Released by Darker Than Black and Winter Solace Productions.
There is a story on metal archives about how Winter Solace's sub label Fetha Nagast plagiarized some black metal band and released it as a nig nog black metal band from Ethiopia. I don't know if its true but if it is its fucking hilarious. Make some money from faggots who would buy it just because its a nig nog band.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Intro
0:44 2. Heir of Freedom
6:42 3. Zaleđeno zvono (frozen bell)
11:55 4. Rose of Underworld
17:32 5. Zemargla
22:03 6. Oblation of Love
28:49 7. Vrijeme
36:35 8. Outro
Der Hoffnungstraeger - Aufbruch (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
RAC from Germany. "The Bearer of Hope" First album from acoustic nationalist ballad singer with a new band.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Stärke Und Vertrauen (Strength And Confidence)
2:04 2. Nationaler Widerstand (National Resistance)
5:46 3. Lehrplan (Agenda)
9:07 4. Niemand Kann Ihn Halten (No one can stop him)
13:14 5. Umsturz (Putsch)
16:50 6. Freiheit (Freedom)
19:54 7. Halte Stand (Stand firm)
22:34 8. Verrat (Betrayal)
26:20 9. Revolution
29:09 10. Flasche Bier (Bottle of beer)
32:52 11. Falscher Eid (False oath)
36:08 12. Der Traum Von Freiheit (The dream of freedom)
Ieschure - When The Darkness Comes (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Black Metal from Ukraine. One woman band.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Intro: Wandering in the Desert of Illusions
1:54 2. The Faceless Shadow
6:30 3. The Land of the Dead
11:56 4. Mistress in Red Flame
16:08 5. When the Darkness Comes
20:25 6. Howling Wolves of Winter
25:31 7. Into the Black Mountains
29:35 8. The Path of Master
34:31 9. Outro: When All Is Left Behind
Aufnorden - A Warrior's Heart (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Aufnorden from Canada's new EP and his best work yet, IMO. Combining black metal with Manowar type classic Metal. More excellent music like this, please.
7" Vinyl EP available on Darker Than Black:
0:00 1. A Warrior's Heart
3:19 2. Pagan Order
Notturno - Our (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New album by Notturno from Italy. Italian DSBM/Post-Black.
0:00 1. Adagio
3:53 2. Inside
11:33 3. Anymore
21:47 4. Paranoia
29:56 5. Doors
Sokyra Peruna - Valhalla Speaks Ukrainian (2xLP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New double album just came out I just got it in the mail today. Ukrainian pagan metal/RAC
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Перунова Рать (Perunova Rat)
8:20 2. Темні Кургани (Dark Mounds)
13:07 3. Перша Штурмова (First Assault)
16:29 4. Солдат (Soldier)
22:48 5. Коли (When?)
28:01 6. Білий Вершник (The White Rider)
32:38 7. Відчуй Силу (Feel The Power)
35:53 8. Бій Триває (The Battle Continues)
40:46 9. Честь та Кров (Blood and Honour)
46:29 10. Січ (January)
52:27 11. Вітер Змін (Wind of Change)
57:46 12. Invictus
1:00:43 13. Останній Бунт (The Last Rebellion)
1:04:29 14. Генерал (General)
1:10:15 15. For All We Have and Are
1:20:18 16. Побратими в Вальгаллі (Brothers and Sisters in Valhalla)
Hrtkos - Ognie Twe Kosy (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
First release by band from Poland on Werewolf Promotion.
Get CD here:
0:00 1. Ognie Twe Kosy
6:10 2. Modła
12:10 3. Dzwonnica Głucha
21:04 4. Na Kraju Końcach
26:38 5. Niebyli
33:25 6. Klucznik
40:49 7. Z Podniebnych Mogił
Eternal Strife / Dragón de Hierro - Intolerant War Anthems (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
CD available here:
0:00 1. Eternal Strife - Final Victory
4:50 2. Eternal Strife - Enemies of Zion
8:37 3. Eternal Strife - Warfront Renegades
12:15 4. Eternal Strife - Swine of Jehovah
17:23 5. Eternal Strife - As the Panzers Roll On
22:39 6. Dragón de Hierro - El crujir de tus huesos judío (The crunching of your Jewish bones)
26:46 7. Dragón de Hierro - Flamas de venganza (Flames of Vengeance)
30:17 8. Dragón de Hierro - Ritos del progromo (Rites of the pogrom)
33:06 9. Dragón de Hierro - Inferiores condenados a la horca (Inferiors sentenced to hang)
36:31 10. Dragón de Hierro - Zyklon-B para las ratas (Zyklon-B For the rats)
Рыцарь Горя - Grief Knight (Full Demo) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
First demo from Russia.
Get it here:
0:00 1. Я Сам Свой Палач (I Am My Own Executioner)
3:53 2. Алетейя (Alethea)
8:22 3. Новое Светило (New Luminary)
Panzerkrieg 666 - Westerweiterung (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
German nsbm/war metal. 3rd EP.
0:00 1. Satan 2 3:07
2. My Uniform 6:46
3. Wunderwaffe (wonder weapons) 10:19
4. Westerweiterung (western expansion) 13:13
5. Panzerkrieg Panzerschlacht (tank war tank battle)
Hatenwar - In the Circle of Steel Shadows (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
NSBM from Poland. Band was around from 1996-2013 and the vocalist just started the band again with all new members.
0:00 1. Shadows Of Esoteric Meanings
1:55 2. Behind The Rampart Of Ancient Ashes
6:39 3. A Cleansing Act Of Destruction
8:48 4. The Primeval Breath Of Hyperborea
13:18 5. Abrahamic Religions End
Black Sun Disciple - Hatebound Warfare (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
NSBM from Finland. First full length album. They are on a split album called "Alla mustan auringon" I have on my channel too.
0:00 1. Intro
1:42 2. Crushing the christian heritage
7:39 3. Purifying the contaminated soil
14:25 4. Race-mixing bestiality
19:39 5. Empire of the black sun
23:35 6. Mouth of perdition
30:18 7. Hatebound Warfare
Moosegut - To Flowery Deaths (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Black metal from Quebec.
0:00 1. Boiling Mooseguts
5:48 2. The Partridge Paw
9:09 3. Chased, Trapped, Killed And Eaten
13:31 4. The Woman Captive In The Mooseskin Pouch
17:40 5. Hunting In The Rain
21:08 6. Camouflaged
24:06 7. The Summer Without Colours
28:33 8. All Things Are Doomed To Die
32:31 9. The End...
Night And Fog / Vril-Ya Nations - Split (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New split from two US nsbm bands. Released on Darker Than Black Records.
Buy it here:
1. Night And Fog - Shores Of The Purification Flame
2. Night And Fog - Our Path to Greatness
3. Night And Fog - Deathstorm Invocation
4. Vril-Ya Nations - Astral Wounds of The Other World
5. Vril-Ya Nations - Vril-Ya Nations
6. Vril-Ya Nations - Atlantean Transmissions
Ruumisarkku - Punainen Lumi (2024) (Demo Tape)
National Socialist Black Metal
I have a lot more videos on odysee:
Oldschool NSBM/Black Metal from Finland. This is Ruumisarkku's first recording released on March 5th, 2024. Ruumisarkku' is 'coffin' in English. Title 'Punainen Lumi' translates into 'red snow' in English.
Digital version:
1. Intro
2. Punainen Lumi (Red Snow)
3. Tähtitaivas (The Star-Filled Sky)
4. Metsään Hukkuneet (Forest Drowned)
Nokturne - Wolf Reich (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New album from Nokturne (US) released on Darker Than Black
Buy it here:
1. Intro
2. Ahnenerbe Blood Cult
3. Blood Elitism
4. Skeleton Key
5. Vril Hammer (Prelude to Decimation)
6. Stormtroopers of Decimation
7. Thrudvanger
8. Wolf Reich
9. Vrilmacht
10. Steel Front Desecration
11. Siegreich
12. Outro
Zerstörer 18 - Lieber Tot Als Rot (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Jarl von Hagall from Der Sturmer's new band. First release. Greek NSBM. "Better Dead Than Red" Really good.
0:00 1. To Communism... We Are The Pest
4:30 2. Grabbing Antifa By The Neck
11:40 3. Talmudic Pigs
16:27 4. A Legend That Will Never Die (Hjarulv Henker's Tribute)
Nordreich - Wolfsgesang & Untergang (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New release from Nordreich of Germany. Quality NSBM from a veteran of the scene, Nordreich's first release was in 2000. This is a great album. Skatval is helping us learn the runes with the song titles. If you like good studio recordings and sound quality Nordreich are about the best you can get in NSBM, nevermind the skillful musicianship. Every song is quality here no filler songs the last Nordreich album came out 6 years ago so he put time in making this one.
Buy it here:
0:00 1. ᛉ
6:06 2. ᛝ
11:22 3. ᛏᛟ
15:28 4. ᚦ
24:26 5. ᛇ
31:22 6. ᛟᛣ
38:30 7. ᛫ᚦ᛫ᚩ᛫ᚺ᛫ᛁ᛫ᛏ᛫ᛟ᛫
42:00 8. ᛏᛣ
50:22 9. ᛬ᚫᛋ᛫ᚦᛁᛋ᛫ᚹᛟᚱᛚᛞ᛫ᛖᚾᛞᛋ᛬
56:53 10. ᛣ
Absurd - Werwolflicht (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New Absurd album. (one version of it anyway... this is Unhold and Gelal from GBK.
0:00 1. Schattenheer (Treasure Lord)
6:34 2. Entgeistung (Demoralization)
9:50 3. Flammen loh'n
14:42 4. Das Sturmreich (The Storm Empire)
21:34 5. Werwolflicht (Werewolf Light)
26:10 6. Ew'ges Dunkel (Eternal Darkness)
28:46 7. Blitzschlag (Thunderbolt)
31:48 8. Knochenmann (Bone Man)
35:52 9. Vorwärts (Forward)
Antagonist - Vorwärts (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
First release by national socialist death metal/hardcore band Antagonist from Switzerland on One People One Struggle Records
1. Vorwärts (Forward)
2. Die Last
3. Hinterhalt (Ambush)
4. Kranke Scheisse (Sick shit)
5. In meiner Welt von Morgen (In my world of tomorrow)
6. Kleben geblieben (Staying stuck)
7. Hast du Angst? (Are you scared?)
8. Liberty
Crystayler - In the Hearts of the Brave (Full Album) 2024
National Socialist Black Metal
I have a lot more video on my odysee channel:
New album by Crystaler from Belarus with a different theme than his previous albums and has more of a NSBM sound.
Digital Album available here:
0:00 1. In Hell, No Fear, We Ride
4:46 2. Motto of the Brave
10:45 3. Sword in Hand is Shining Bright
16:16 4. A Spark Ignites a Flame
23:23 5. The Black Grail
30:15 6. They Will Never be Forgotten (Instrumental)
E.A.G.L.E. - Above It All (Tape) 2024
National Socialist Black Metal
Currently copying all my videos from odysee to here. A lot more stuff there right now.
E.A.G.L.E. from Canada 2024 tape release.
1. Intro
2. Love Beneath the Hanging
3. Above It All
4. Outro
5. California's Dreamin
Hate Forest - Justice (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New EP from Hate Forest.
1. Merciless Cold-Blooded Revenge
2. Rattenkönig
3. Stronghold
4. Izium Forest
Solar Cross - To the Ever Gleaming Pinnacle of Timeless Mastery (Full Album)
National Socialist Black Metal
(currently copying my videos from odysee to here. a lot more videos on odysee: )
US black metal with some really good dungeon synth at the start and end. One of my favorites. Love the guitar work and songwriting. USA used to be considered garbage in BM but the last few years tons of new bands have been putting out quality stuff. I thought I posted this awhile back but I tried to listen to it at work and couldn't find it on here.
Buy it here:
1. Prologue
2. Entwined Pathways
3. The Unassailable Towers Of Infinity
4. When The Last Lamps Expire
5. Hour Of Perdition
6. Unwaning
7. Epilogue
Leibstandarte (FRA) - La Légion Blanche (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Vinyl rip of new album La Légion Blanche (The White Legion) just released by Leibstandarte from France.
1. Continuer à se battre (Keep fighting)
2. La nuit des longs couteaux (The night of the long knives)
3. Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth)
4. Jedem das Seine (To each his own)
5. Bataillon d'amour (Love Batallion)
6. Leibstandarte
7. La Légion Blanche (The White Legion)
8. Les chacals (Jackals)
9. E.V.E.R.
Pagan Warlord - Demo 2024 (Full Album)
National Socialist Black Metal
Pagan nsbm from Switzerland. Second demo release.
1. Desecration of the Sacred Outpost
2. In Glory Fallen, Risen In Hate
3. Call of the Dark Arts
4. Oath of the Fallen
Recorded and mixed in hate during winter 23-24.
Dark Fury - Shoot to Kill! (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New release from Dark Fury.
1. Don't I Have The Right To Take Revenge?
2. As Riders Rush Throught The World
3. Shoot To Kill!
4. And If I Am Afraid, I Will Control My Fear!
5. Under The Black Sun We Will Trample The Red Star
6. When the Pale Dawn Comes
7. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Patriots Blood - Patriots Blood EP (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
NSBM/RAC from Southern USA. This is Patriots Blood's first release.
Buy it here:
Tapes coming soon at Hammerbund
0:00 1. Glory to the Heroes 0:00
1:57 2. Oath Bound 1:57
3:54 3. Street Fight 3:54
6:03 4. Echoes of the Past 6:03
8:14 5. Rebel Yell 8:14
Voergaard - Ancestral Blood (Full Demo) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
US pagan nsbm with a raw old school sound. This is their second demo.
Get the tape here:
0:00 1. Twilight of the Ancient Empire
4:37 2. Diabolic Vision of Hatred and Power
9:50 3. Sword of My Ancestral Blood
15:40 4. Honour, Glory, Triumph (Outro)
North - We Are, We Remain (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
North were the first Polish black metal band back in 1992. I wasn't expecting much from this being that these guys are at least 50 years old and haven't released anything in 12 years but it is actually really good. They have been playing black metal for over 30 years so it isn't going to be straight forward bm like their famous album From The Dark Past. Lots of tempo changes and fancy guitar work but it works well and they sound like they actually wanted to make this and didn't just need some $$$. Even the cover thats been done a million times Bathory's A Fine Day to Die is done in their own style much different than the original. Great EP from some legends who've been around forever.
1. Czas by Powstali
2. Stulecia We Krwi
3. Horda Duchów
4. Hymn to Winter
5. A Fine Day to Die
Vrildom - Purificatio (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New album from Vrildom just released.
Get the album here:
1. Aeria
2. Eagle Insight
3. Ominous Course of Inspiration
4. Of Pride and Stellar Arrogance
5. Tectonic Resonances from the South
6. My Cosmic Longing
7. Rising Storms and Victorious Thunder
8. Unbreakable Spirit
Ritualmord - Demo 2024
National Socialist Black Metal
Ritualmord got back together this is the first thing they have released that I know of since 2009. Two song demo.
1. Sperm of Abraham
2. Gallows Hill
Nativist - Our Banner In The Sky (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New release from Nativist (US). This is their second full length album. Very unique interesting founding father constitutional black metal.
1. War of Attrition
2. Acts of Domestic Liberation
3. There Will Come a Day
4. Timeless Power
5. Every Knee Shall Bow
6. No Mercy, No Surrender
7. Honor, Armageddon! (Goatmoon cover)
8. Sunsets Paint the Hollow
Dødsferd - Wrath (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New album by Greek band Dødsferd
Buy it here:
1. Restoration of Justice
2. Decay of Sanity
3. Raging Lust of Creation
4. Spiritual Lethargy
5. Heaven Drops with Human Filth
6. Failure Ablaze in Your Existence
Aktion T4 - Their Holocaust Will Come (2xCD) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Compilation of demos, EP's and tracks from compilations released in 2024.
1. Into The Ovens
2. Bombs That Fell on the Banks of Time
3. Schwarzer Wahnsinn
4. When I Felt a Voice
5. Unlocking the Doors to Hartheim
6. Betrayer of the Race
7. Soldiers of Triumphant Sun (Kristallnacht cover)
8. Marked for Genocide (Der Stürmer cover)
9. Ea, Lord of the Depths (Burzum cover)
10. Himmelfahrtskommando (Blessed in Sin cover)
11. Ashes Encircled by Snow
1. Mourning Soul (Absurd cover)
2. Neither Were You
3. Avanti ragazzi di Buda
4. Vedergällning (Fyrdung cover)
5. Börja packa! (Spandau cover)
6. Rescue Operation T4
7. Du gamla du fria
8. Runes of Power (Svastika cover)
9. Mein bester Kamerad (Sleipnir cover)
10. Primavera
Árstíðir Lífsins - Aldrlok (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
‘Aldrlok’ is sung entirely in Old Norse-Icelandic and contains lyrics with heavy use of Skaldic and Eddic poetry. The story is based on both societal and mythological topics, and plays out in some of the most turbulent times of change in Iceland: in the first half of the eleventh century, some forty years after the Christianisation in 999/1000. The album depicts a fictional story set in a period of Icelandic history of which generally little is known. Nevertheless, it was a turbulent time where older customs became obsolete and gave way to new traditions and, not least, new forms of belief. It is these particular circumstances which the title of the album alludes to, since ‘Aldrlok’ can be translated to ‘End of an Age’, or simply ‘Death’.
Buy it here:
1. Hvítir hjǫrvar Heimdalls aldraðra fjallgylða
2. Stormr, hvítundit grand grundar gjálfrs
3. Er faðir kulda ok myrkrs hopar fyrir endalausum vegi Ránar
4. Eftir bjartlogar hróts hreggs kveikja ógnarstríðan úlf storðar í grasinu
5. Nú er lengstu miskunndir dalreyðar ná hátindi
6. Nauð greyprs élreka
7. Ek sneri aftr til golfhǫlkvis fleygra sárelda heiftar
8. Fyrsta fǫnnin fellr úr hátunnu regns
9. Ofsaveðrsgnýr ber auma bústaði
Hemlokk - In the Shade of Irminsul (Full Album) 2024
National Socialist Black Metal
First full album by Hemlokk from England. Pagan black metal with some neofolk style mixed in. The black metal parts remind me of Drudkh.
Only released digital. Buy the digital version here:
1. In the Shade of Irminsul
2. The Evening Rain
3. Where Wild Rabbits Run
4. Eardstapa (The Wanderer)
5. Wealden Clay
6. Woven Willow & Twine
7. Over the River Bank
Kommandant - Exhibition of Conquest (Full EP) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New EP from Kommandant (US)
0:00 1. Reborn Into Violence
4:53 2. Arsenal
10:05 3. Zweikampf
15:41 4. The Standard
21:55 5. Exhibition of Conquest
Fellwinter - In Night’s Eternal Grasp (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New album from Fellwinter of NY, US.
Buy it here:
1. The Dark Pact
2. Moonbeams Cast from Evenfall Wisdom
3. Twin Sisters of the Darkness
4. Enwrapt in Dreams Coil
5. A Legacy Stained in Blood
6. Tyranny Triumph
7. Winter of the Tomb
Dolchstoss - Embers of the Fallen (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
Belgian 5 man NSBM band. Second album released on Drakkar Productions.
Vinyl and CD available here:
1. MG08
2. Flood of Retaliation
3. Revel in Brutality
4. Ruins of Kowel
5. We, the Inhumane
6. Mir juckt die Säbelspitze (My saber tip itches)
7. Forced March
8. Mud and Rain
9. Silent Witnesses
10. A Pounding Death
11. Mörser (Mortar)
Heureka - Rückeroberung (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New album. German RAC
Buy it here:
0:00 1. Invasion
2:14 2. Karl Martell
6:16 3. Eroberer von Sizilien
10:56 4. Der Fall von Byzanz
15:26 5. Legende für alle Zeit
19:15 6. Vlad lll.
23:21 7. Der erste Sturm
27:18 8. Iwan Sirko
32:36 9. Husaria
36:32 10. Prinz Eugen
40:54 11. General Yermolov
44:41 12. Rückeroberung
A Monumental Black Statue - The Touch of the Moon with the Golden Veil (Full Album) (2024)
National Socialist Black Metal
New album from Italian NSBM band A Monumental Black Statue.
0:00 1. Praeludium
0:33 2. Mansonism
6:34 3. Superior Etruscan Blood
13:28 4. The Dopamine Anthem
20:56 5. Ati Rasna
27:46 6. The Touch of the Moon with the Golden Veil
35:56 7. Augoeides
41:56 8. Ratio Diaboli
49:04 9. Le Schiere di Kali (Feat. Attilio SPQR)
Iron Firmament - Iron Firmament (Full Album) 2024
National Socialist Black Metal
First full-length release by Iron Firmament from USA. This is another project by Taurus from Fellwinter and Arbor.
Buy the tape here:
Digital here:
0:00 1. The Oceans Above
4:50 2. Floating Isles
12:32 3. Void Sigils
18:46 4. Sailing Cold Eternity
24:56 5. Heliotrope
27:16 6. Wyvern Pits
31:15 7. Whip and Horn
33:24 8. Intrepid Champions of Battle and Magick
38:16 9. Armillary
Pâlefroid - L'Appel (Full Album) (2024)
4 months ago
French nationalist melodic black metal
0:00 1. L'impie (Ungodly)
4:40 2. Debout les morts! (Rise up the dead!)
9:37 3. Reconquête (Reconquest)
14:38 4. La houle (The Swell)
19:34 5. Sur Les Ailes De La Tempête (feat. Hyver) (On the Wings of the Storm)
24:35 6. L'Appel (The Call)
30:48 7. Bâtard Galeux (Mangy Bastard)
36:33 8. Pro Patria Mori (To Die For One's Homeland)
42:46 9. La Mort Du Roy (The King's Death)
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