Prophet Julie Green - The World Is Waiting for My Church to Arise - Captions

3 months ago

In this powerful message from God through Prophet Julie Green, God calls upon His children to rise up in His authority and to speak His words with boldness and confidence. He urges them to intercede, pray, and stand against the darkness and chaos that is overtaking the world. God reassures His children that He will take care of everything their enemies have done to them and encourages them to trust in His power and to let Him flow through them. He reminds them that the world needs their light and their voices to guide others away from fear and confusion. God emphasizes the importance of standing together as His church, united in faith and speaking His words of freedom, deliverance, and truth. He urges His children to trust in His promises and to believe in His ability to bring about great change and victory.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-30-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 23:1, 4
1 Peter 5:8
1 John 4:4
Heb. 13:5
Matt. 11:28-30
Matt. 12:25
Luke 10:19
John 16:33
Psalm 115
1 John 5:4-5
Gal. 5:1
John 17:13-17
Amos 3:7
Job 22:28
Isa. 60:1-2
Ps. 56:8-9
Gal. 3:13-14
2 Tim. 1:7
Isa. 54:17
Deut. 28:13

God is the solution and He will give you the greatest breakthroughs as long as you trust Him.

You can't stay silent. You need to start shouting more.

You need to walk in love, but walking in love doesn't mean you have to be silent or a doormat.

God Almighty is on the inside of you and He longs for fellowship with you.

The Body of Christ cannot be divided any longer. It must unite.

Even in the darkest times, God is still the God who protects and guides.

You need to run to God and not away from Him.

Evil will not hold you down or hold you back because you have the blessing in your life from God Almighty. Nothing can keep you back or hold you back.

This is the time to shout your enemies out, get louder, take back what belongs to you.

God has given you power, dominion and authority over all the power the enemy possesses.

Have peace and confidence in God and trust in Him. As you see the judgments and darkness come down, keep your eyes on God.

Believe, adhere to, trust in, and rely in the fact that Jesus has overcome the world.

God's Word is a two-edged sword and a weapon.

There are things that are keeping your from your future- your past. You need to leave the past in the past and do not allow it to define your future.

God wants to use you, but you need to be willing and obedient.


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org




Good morning, everybody. Today is really, it's actually Tuesday, July 30th of 2024. I'm coming alive to you from the great state of Texas. Once again, now I really was planning on doing something this morning, which is, you know, another pre not pre recording, but you know what? You know what I mean? That's another word that was given, but not live, but the Lord had changed it this morning.

And so I'm coming to you live for a reason. This is a time and I keep hearing in my spirit over and over again, because you guys know usually when I'm on the road, I don't do lives like this. But we are living in a different period of time. We're living in something that it's unprecedented. It's unusual and that's unconventional.

And so God has us all together right here in this very moment in time. And I was hearing a word in my spirit this morning, right before I got on here. Then I know that the Lord is going to start giving here in a few minutes, because this is something that each and every child of the most high God needs to hear.

God, God needs his people to hear his direction, to hear his marching orders, to hear his love, to hear his compassion for his people. No matter what is going on in your life, God is going to take care of it. You need to let him take care of it because we have a job at hand. We have a job to do. And our job is to do is to fight that good fight of faith.

Our job is to do is to stand against the wiles of the devil, to stand against all of these things that are coming against the world and coming against our nations. That is our job. And that is what the Lord has been putting in my spirit all morning long. And so I know he's going to speak here in just a second.

As I can feel it building up again, but just hold on no matter what you are going through in your life. Let go and let God, his hands are big enough and he is more than capable of taking all of your problems. He is the solution and he will give you the greatest breakthroughs in your life as long as you trust in him.

Give me a second.

My children, this is the time.... This is the time to arise in my authority. This is the time to arise in my name. This is the time to arise and shout, not just any words, but to shout My words. This is the time, my children, where the world needs you. They need you to intercede. They need you to pray. They need you to stand.

You say, Lord, but all the things that are going on in my life, what am I supposed to do about that? I, my children will take care of everything your enemy has done to you. This is the time where you trust me. This is the time where you let me in and you let me flow through you. Let me clear out the thoughts in your mind and all the pressures and the weight of the day.

Let me in to heal your broken heart. Let me in, let me in, so I will show you the win that I have for each and every one of you. As the world is growing darker as the world is growing with more chaos and more disruption and things that will keep continually happening that will be unprecedented, the world needs my body.

They need you to stand in the gap. They need you to say my words. They need you to pray on behalf of them who don't know how to pray. This is when my church comes to unite. This is when my church comes to take back their level of authority upon this earth, where it was always meant to be. My children,

you have to know your place. Your place is not to cower. Your place is not to become silent. Your place is not to come and to hide. Your place is to shine. Your place is to have your voices heard because your voice will begin to speak my words like never before and you will see my words come to pass like never before.

So stand on my word. Believe in my word. Trust in my word. Because I Am faithful to perform my word. Do you hear my words, my children? *The world needs you*. They need my light in you, to guide them in the right direction away from that darkness, away from that confusion, away from that desperation and that fear.... *The world needs you!*

Do you hear it? The world needs... they're crying out to be saved! They're crying out for freedom that they've never known! They're crying out! They're looking left to right and they're trying to figure out the solutions to all these problems, and they're trying to get away from the fear in their minds and their bodies.

They're waiting on *you*! The world is *waiting* on my children! So my children, get up. Get up from those dark places your enemies try to keep you in. Get up from that depression. Get up from that frustration. *Let Me handle it!* Because my power is greater than the power that has been holding you down. It is greater than the power that has been holding you back.

This is the time where my children need to shout. Not just any word. You *shout My words!* You shout My words of *freedom*. You shout my words of *deliverance*. You shout my words of *truth*. You *shout these words!* You *watch* these words *come to pass!*

Trust me like never before, and I will show you my power like never before! My church, don't stay silent! Don't stay silent when your enemies are pursuing you, and they're trying to take more freedoms from you, and they're trying to destroy every part of your life. You don't sit silent and don't sit idly by! This is where My church is to awaken and my church is to arise, And My church is to shine.

And my church is to be noticed; that you are fighters, and that you are in my army and that you won't stay down. That you won't stay quiet, and you will resist anything that comes against you! You are my church! You are my body! Jesus is the head of this body. So align yourself with Him. You don't have strength?

Get it from him. He is the one who has given it to you. Don't let the enemy keep controlling the narrative in this world. Don't let the enemy keep controlling the political realm, or the Seven Mountains for that matter. You don't let him control what he doesn't have the power to control. And the only reason the enemy had that power is because my church stayed silent

because of deceptions that leaked in to the churches and muzzled them. Well, take your muzzles off and you shout my words like never before. And you believe that I Am The Greater One on the inside of you. You believe that I Am the one that is moving your enemies out of the way. You believe that I Am the one removing them.

You believe that I Am the one, as you speak my words, you'll see that your enemy's walls will come crashing and crumbling down before your face. I Am the same God with the walls of Jericho, and I Am the same God in the book of Exodus. I Am the same God who destroys the power of the enemy in a day. I just need my children to agree with it.

I need my children to shout my words. In your prayers, don't just say any words. You say mine. You say my words. Because my words are spirit. And my words are life and my words change things! Change your vocabulary, stop saying things of defeat, stop saying things that frustrate you, stop saying things that keep you in the darkness that your enemy is holding you in. You say my words of light, my words of freedom, my words of deliverance, and my words that will shake those shackles off and destroy the prisons - the cells that your enemies have had you in.

This is the *exodus of my children* from the hands and the *slavery of the globalists* and their narrative and their evil and their corruption. *This is the time of my church*! This is the time of your strength to arise and for you to be noticed around the world that you're not cowards. That you're not weak, that you're not wimpy, but no, you are fighters, and you are in the army of the Lord, and you have The Greater One that you know your authority now, and you know that you won't back off, and you won't quit.

Let your enemies know that; that you're not defeated, but they are. Let your enemies know that you believe my written words more than the thoughts in your mind, or the feelings in your body. Or the way things look all around the world. Because they will try to look more confusing, and more desperate, and a greater darkness and chaos.

But *you* will not be confused. *You* will not back down. *You* will not grow weary. Because I Am *your God*, and I Am *your strength*. I Am *your comforter*. I'm *your protector*. But my children don't ever forget, that I Am *the defender.* I Am *the avenger* and *vengeance is mine!* Don't forget in these days where you see my judgment be poured out in this world even greater than the book of exodus.

You just remember that I Am the one who protects you just like I did in the land of Goshen. I protected my people and I've repeatedly said these words because some of my children weren't still believing these words. And they weren't believing that *I Am the same God in my Word*. They were believing that I was a God, but not the same God.

Because there's been a *version of me* all over this world, and in churches, *it's a version of me that's a lie*. It's a _version_ of me that I don't *heal*. And I don't *deliver*. And I don't *set free*. It's a _version _of me. It's a _version_ of me that I don't *provide*. It's a _version_ of me *that my children believed*.

*Don't believe that *_*version*_. *You believe in me and who I Am*. And I'm about to show you that *I Am the great I Am*. I Am the One in my written Word. And I'm about to get the world's attention. But my children, I need your agreement. I need you to speak the words that I have given to you. I need you to agree with what I say and not what the enemy says any longer.

The enemy has kept you in that bondage, in his cages, and in his torment because you were believing his words over mine.

*This* is the *time* of *great change!*

This is the time where you have to *believe* and *trust* in my written words,

*trust* that I speak through my *prophets*, *trust* that I speak and *I will perform* the words that I have *promised through them*.

This is the time of *great* *change*. This is the time of *great and* *violent* *shaking*, but as I have said, this is *not* for you. This is for *your enemies* and for their *destruction*. And for them to be in *chaos*, and for them to be in *confusion*, and for *their walls* that they've been hiding behind, for their walls to come *crashing down*.

*This is that time*!

And this is *that time*, to *believe* in my words over theirs.

I say in my word to *trust me*, but many of my children don't. They trust their circumstances and how they feel. This is the time to have a *greater walk* with me. Let me show you who I Am. Not

what some people behind a pulpit *said* I was.

There's been a *great deception* in this world, but *my truth* is about to *destroy* it. *My truth* will *pour out*, so *shout*! *Shout* your enemies *out*. *Shout* them *down*. *Shout* my truth to *destroy* them. *This* is where the *walls of Jericho* come in. This is *that*. *This is that!* So *shout* your enemies *out*. And *shout* their plans to *nothing*.

As you see them try to pour out plans, an unprecedented change of events, you will wonder where I'm at. But I Am *here*. *I Am here!* *Don't pay attention* to those events. *Don't let* them overwhelm you. But remember to *trust me* through it. *Trust me through it!* I Am your *breakthrough*. *Trust me* through. *Trust me through it all!*

Because *even though* you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, *You shall fear no evil*. *My rod*, I Am there to *guide* you, and I Am there to *comfort* you, and I Am there to *rise you above* it all. So *stand* firm, my children, and *know* that *I Am near*, and I will make that *clear*.

*Know* that *I Am in you*, so let the *Lion* of the Tribe of Judah *roar through your mouths!* In any type of adversity, in any circumstances that come your way, remember *you have the Lion on the inside of you!* Let me *roar* through *your vocal cords*. Let me *speak!* *Speak my words!* *Agree* with me and *watch* your enemies *flee*, saith the Lord.

Well, that is why He had me go live today. I knew the Lord had directions for you. I knew the Lord wanted something to say. One of the things that I do remember him saying in that word. So we can't stay silent. We have to start shouting more. Do you see what the enemies did when it came to the Olympics, which most people heard and most people saw what they were doing.

They did it because they didn't think that we would say or do anything. They didn't think we would fight back. They didn't think that we would stand and say something about it. Too many times we have as children of the most high God. Well, God, we're supposed to walk in love. You are supposed to walk in love, but walking in love doesn't mean to stay silent.

Walking in love doesn't mean to be a doormat. Walking in love doesn't mean that the enemy can do whatever he wants to do against you. It just means we cannot get in that type of anger and bitterness and unforgiveness and rage or fear to have that guide our steps. We have to be aware of our surroundings and be aware of what's going on around us.

The Lord wants us to be aware, but God does not want us to stand idly by and let the enemies have their way. Remember what it says in first Peter chapter five in verse eight, that your enemy roams around like a lion seeking who he made about who he may devour. And we have to say continuously that the enemy cannot devour us.

That's why we have to stay aware of what's going on around us. We have to stay aware of what the enemies are trying to do. We can't bow down to this world globalists and their regime. We can't stay silent to the freedoms that Christianity has been, they've been taking from us for years and years and years thinking that we're just too stupid or too weak to do anything about it.

We are children in the army of the Lord and we have The Greater One, The Greater One who lives in us, than anything that we face and we have to get that revelation and we have to stand on that revelation God you are bigger. There are things in my life right now father god that I know that are just a mess And they look bigger than me.

There are things going on in our nations all over the world That are bigger than us individually, but they're not bigger than God. They're not bigger than him. And he lives in us. If we were just more God inside minded, if we just knew that we had the God who destroyed the Egyptian army, if we just knew that we had the God who destroyed the walls of Jericho on the inside of us.

And he longs for fellowship with us. He longs for us to see these breakthroughs. He longs for us to have a relationship with him. He longs for us to trust him. He longs for us. To keep our focus on Him. That's just in the good times. No matter what times they are that you're living in. In this week at some point, I will show you the testimony of my life.

There are times where it seemed, and I know so many people are going through this. This is the reason why the Lord wanted me to say this. You're going through things that you don't know how to get out of. You're going through a darkness. That seems overwhelming that it's taking over you. It seems like it's taking over your life and you're wondering, God, where are you?

He's not a million or 2 million miles away. He's in you and he's never left you and he's never forsaken you. He doesn't forsake his children. He doesn't leave them to be destroyed by the enemy. And that's why it's so beautiful in the scriptures where he sent his son to die for us. He sent his son to sacrifice so we wouldn't have to sacrifice and so we wouldn't have to be tormented.

So many people live a life and they just try to survive on a daily basis and try to survive sometimes by the hour. And I know what that's like. God, he's a God who has won that battle. He's the God who has promised you that he would never leave you. So even when your mind and your thoughts are telling you he's not there or he's you're not worthy.

I was just on a call around 1230 or one o'clock this morning praying for someone who didn't think they were worthy to be free From something the enemy had them in and I have been in that situation before And I noticed that all these scriptures just rose up in my spirit Just the love of almighty god and what he has for each and every one of us This is the time of the greatest wake up call in human history This is the time of the greatest awakening of the body of christ The world has ever seen.

The body has stayed silent for too long. The body has been oppressed, and depressed, and overwhelmed with all the things that are going on in our life. Our enemy has tried to push us down into the ground. Where we had no strength, where we had no fight, where we had nothing left of energy to fight him back.

But that is when we tap into our Father God. You may not have that strength. You may not have that ability. He's not asking you to do that alone. He's not asking you to figure out your problems, or figure out the nation's problems, or figure out how he's going to do it. He is the problem solver. He solves every problem.

He solves everything and he says come to me who are heavy laden and burdened and I will give you rest. You can find that in Matthew chapter 11, 28 through 30. God is saying to us to come to him this day. He needs. And it just, I'm, I, and I travel so many places, and I see discord politically, and with different races, and, and with, you know, the rich and the poor, and there's all these divisions.

But I've never in my life seen so much division in the body of Christ. And that division, right now, is cause to weaken the body of Christ. Is caused for us to stay silent because too many people are fighting amongst themselves amongst their brothers and sisters in christ And a house divided against itself cannot stand and jesus said he's even coming back for a church without spot No wrinkle.

We have a lot of spots and we have a lot of wrinkles right now But if God can save a nation in a day, God can save his children in a day. He can unite them. He can destroy the division. We just have to get on the side of Almighty God and where He wants us. You know, just like if you, if you look in the book of Exodus, where He was putting them in that right path.

for the promised land. He was leading them by day, by cloud, so He'd protect them from the heat. And as He was guiding them, He's protecting them. And at night, there was a fire by night to give them heat, but He was still protecting them from the cold. And He was still guiding them in the right direction, even in the darkest of times in this world, where we don't know what to do or where We don't know where to go.

He is still that God that protects and he's still that God that guides. And just like it says in Psalm 23 in verse one, he's a shepherd. He leads, he guides. He protects. But too many people go through life and they see their circumstances. And God's guidance, God's protection, gets shrouded. By the confusion or the darkness that you're feeling in your life or the confusion that you're going through on which way to go and what way to turn because your enemy is trying to distract you.

Your enemy is trying to overwhelm you and he's trying to lead you in the wrong direction. Instead of running to God, many people run away. This is a different time. God said unprecedented. We're seeing unprecedented things come to pass. We're seeing prophecies that he's been speaking to us for three years or more Come to pass and some people are still questioning will god will he what will he save us?

Will he protect us? Will he lead us? Will he guide us? Will he destroy the power of the establishment? Will he destroy the power that's trying to destroy the world

and all the evil at this very moment? Is not going to come down the way we think evil is still going to be in the world as of right now But it's not going to control God's people like before it's not going to hold us down and it's not Going to hold us back. We have the blessing in our life that God shows you in Genesis one.

And when he blessed Adam and Eve, that blessing was not just a blessing. It was the blessing. It was a blessing to empowerment, to succeed and to rise above. Everything that would keep you back and hold you down. So people say, say a blessing at our dinner table or say the blessing, you know, you know, when people say, you know, they sneeze, people say, God bless you.

And some people now just say, bless you.

And it's great to say those things, but realize when you say bless, it's an empowerment to succeed, to excel, and to rise above. This is the time to shout our enemies, please. This is the time to get louder. This is the time to take back what rightfully belongs to the children of the most high God. And that's our place in this earth.

God has given this earth to the children of men. You can find that in Psalm 115 and if he's given the earth, the children of men, he's given the earth to his children, not the ones who are trying to control it. Not just any person, but God's people. When he also says in his word in Luke 10 and 19, that he's given you power, all power, authority, and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you.

Those are not just any words to read. Those are God's words to you, that He's giving you power and authority and dominion over all the power the enemy possesses. I want to read another scripture. You guys know this is one of my favorites. And I learned it from one of my favorite teachers of all time, in a way that I have not seen before.

Now, go to John 16. John 16, 33. I can quote it. I've been quoting a lot of scriptures this morning. I want to read this one. John 16, 33, and this is the Amplified. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation, trials. distress and frustration, but be of good cheer.

Take courage, be confident, certain, and undaunted. For I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of power to harm you and I've conquered it for you. Look at these words very carefully. I have told you these things so that in me, you may have perfect peace and confidence. Right now, God has been giving us his prophetic words.

He's been giving us revelation of his word. He's giving us his written word so that we will have peace and that we will have confidence. And no matter what the enemy is trying to do to you, or he's trying to do to the nations, to our food supplies, to the banking, no matter what it is, We're supposed to have peace and confidence in God, not just in good times.

We're supposed to have peace and confidence in God, even in the bad times. Because just like Goshen, when he shielded his people, you had mass hysteria. You had chaos. You had darkness. You had death and destruction of everything the Egyptians held dear to them. I would say what happened to the Egyptians.

In the book of Exodus was unprecedented. What was also unprecedented is how God protected and shielded his people. They weren't part of that mass hysteria. They weren't part of those plagues, or you could say judgment. They weren't part of those things. Just as God has been telling us and warning us. Have peace, and have confidence, and trust in Him.

Because as you see judgment come down, and as you see more things start to occur, it's not for you and I. In the world, you have tribulation. This is not the great tribulation he's talking about. This is just tribulation, it's just things that are going on in your life. Tests, trials, distress, frustration.

You're gonna have these things. We're aware. Majority of Christians are aware of those things. Many people are feeling the overwhelmingness of those situations. But what we have to do is we have to know, be certain, confident, that in the world, we're going to have these things. But then God says, but be of good cheer, take courage, be confident.

Be confident in what? That He has overcome the world. And then He goes on to say, And I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you. So when God told us in that prophetic word early, so if you guys are just joining now, in the beginning of the very first few minutes of the live stream, God gave a prophetic word.

Now, I can't go back over that word because it was given live and I don't know all he says until somebody transcribes it for me. But he was telling us that we need to have our voices heard. That we need to fight and stand like never before. That we need to take our place in this earth as overcomers. We are world overcomers whether it feels like it whether it looks like it or not I want to read another scripture to you first john five Four and five first john five four through five This is also the classic amplified for whatever's born of god is victorious over the world And this is the victory that conquers the world Even our faith.

Who is it that is victorious, that conquers the world? He's giving you the answer who conquers the world. That means the curse in this world. That means the evil in this world. That means the enemies of this world. That's trying to take you down. Who conquers the world? The world, but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God who hears to trust in, relies on that fact.

So one of the key things is that we have to do as of right now is we have to remind ourselves. That we're going to adhere to, we're going to trust in, and rely on that fact that Jesus has overcome the world. That he's deprived our enemy to conquer us and to harm us. It looks like in your life, everything's going in the wrong direction.

It looks like the enemy has conquered you. That's what he wants you to believe. But God is telling you that you are a world overcomer because he has conquered the world for you This is another scripture. I want to read to you and I don't know what translation I want to read it in yet Hold on. I'm gonna first i'm gonna read it out of the Amplified.

Go to Galatians 5, 1.

I might read out of the CEV also. Galatians 5, 1. In this freedom, Christ has made us free, completely liberated us. Stand fast then, do not be hampered and held asnared, and submit again to a yoke of slavery, which you have once put off. Unread it again. This is the Amplified. In this freedom, Christ has made us free and completely liberated us.

But as you see all over the world today, it doesn't look like God's people are free. It doesn't look like God has liberated us. It doesn't look like anything is going in the right direction. It looks like the exact opposite. Well, this is where he's telling us That we have to believe, trust in, adhere to, and rely on him.

That he has overcome the world. He has deprived it of its ability to harm us. And he's conquered it for us. He keeps mentioning that might be unsettling for people. He's mentioned. The violent shaking, that shaking is not for you and I. And if you remember those scriptures in John 17 and it says, well, I'll read it cause I have it pulled up here.

John 17, 13 through 17. This is what God says when all these things are shaking and all these things are going crazy and all these things are unprecedented and unconventional and unusual. And you're wanting to know what in the world is going on. Go back to the prophecies. Go back to the word of God. God always warns, just like he says in Amos 3, 7, 4, 7.

He says that he does not do anything without first revealing it to his servants the prophets. It's Amos 3 7. I know that. Hold on. I'm going to double check myself because I didn't have this one up and I'm questioning myself right now because I don't want to say anything wrong because sometimes you can,

okay, hold on. No, it's Amos 3 7. I was right the first time because I corrected myself. I'm like, Nope. I'm going to double check that. Surely the Lord will do nothing without revealing his secrets to his servants The prophets say sometimes I can make mistakes even when I quote it That's why I have to look things up because when he tells me don't always quote it Look it up It's important to actually read the word but as you see all these things start to happen And as you see god's warning god's already told us of these things god's warned us of these things We're seeing these prophecies come to pass.

It's to encourage you. It's not to discourage you. It's to encourage you not discourage you So john 17 now look clearly and listen what he's saying This is verse 13, and now I'm coming to you. I say these things while I'm still in the world, so that my joy may be made full and complete and perfect in them.

They may experience my delight fulfilled in them, that my enjoyment. May be perfected in their own souls, that they may have my gladness within them, filling their hearts. Verse 14. I have given and delivered to them your word, or your message, and the world has hated them. Because they are not of the world, do not belong to the world, just as I Am not of this world.

So when you see things happen that are violently shaking, that are unprecedented, unconventional, unusual. Remind yourselves of what he's saying in these scriptures. Go to John 17 that I'm reading to you. Go to John 16, 33. Go back, because the moderators will put it in the description box. All the scriptures that God was giving out today.

Go to our website. There's a blog that has marching orders, decree, declaration. Remember what God says in His word in Job. If you decree a thing, it shall be established. So when God was saying that prophetic word earlier, He said, don't just speak any words, speak my words. Don't just say anything, say what I Am telling you to say.

That was the whole point of that prophecy. Now, again, I have to go back over it because he gave it live on air. So, I'm just telling you right now is this is the time where the church has to arise. In Isaiah 60, verse 1 and 2, let's read that one. And I'm going to read this out of the Amplified. Isaiah 60,

and I'll go back over to John here in a second.

Isaiah 60, verse 1 through 2, Arise! This is what God's telling us to do right now. Arise from the depression and frustration in which circumstances have kept you. Rise to a new life. This is what God's telling us right now. The body of Christ, He's telling us to rise to a new life. He's giving us that ability to rise above our enemy.

I'm going to read that scripture here in a second. He says,

Verse 2, For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness all peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen on you. That is what God wants us to see. His glory should be seen on us. So even in the midst of that darkness, remember, even if you're going through dark times, God will shine his light through you.

There's another scripture. I want to read and then right here psalm 56 psalm 56 8 through 9 you have kept record of my days of wandering and you have stored my tears in your bottle and Counted each of them God counts our tears

Verse 9. And when I pray, Lord God, my enemies will retreat, because I know for certain that you are with me. When I pray, Lord God, my enemies will retreat. Will, it doesn't say they might, it says they will retreat because I know for certain you are with me. God's people need to know for certain that God is with us.

We need to know for certain that when we speak the word of God, which is the two edged sword, remember God's word. is a weapon. And that's why God is telling us, again, if you miss that prophecy, go back in the beginning and watch it. I can't repeat it because it was given out live. Go back and listen to it.

Because this is the time where God is telling us we had to be very, we had to adhere to trust in, rely on him and we know that our God is more than able. And not only we know that our God is more than able to do all these things. He proves in his word that he is able, but he also proves in his written word.

that he is willing to do these things. For the sake of time today, I'm going to cut it a little bit short because there's things I have to take care of before I have to leave. So I want to give you this opportunity. I'm going to pray with you. I'm going to pray over everything that's weighing you down, every circumstance in your life that's overwhelming you.

Yes, I didn't finish reading John 17, but you guys can do it. John 17, 13 through 17. Okay, go and read it because you are in this world, but you are not of it. So that means you're not of that disinformation. You are not of that turbulent time. You are not of that violent shaking. You are not of those shortages.

No matter what happens, you are not of it. You're in this world. But you are not subject to it because Jesus said in his word, he says Galatians three 14. What does God put it in his word specifically? It says that we have been redeemed from the curse. So I think it's very important for me right now to pray over each and every one of you because there's things that are keeping you from your future and that's your past past mistakes, past hurts, past shame, past.

Anger and resentment, past sin, whatever it is that is holding you back from what God has for you today. Today is a day that we all should say, I'm leaving the past in the past and that your past will not define your future because God has great things for you to do is to be that light. in this earth that he needs you to be.

Each and every one of you are important to God. Each and every one of you have an assignment. Each and every one of you has something that God wants you to fulfill. Your time on earth is amazing. How many people think that God won't use them, but he will. Even if you could save one person, just one, how much impact that could make because that one person that God puts you on this earth to save, they could save a person or they could save a 10, 000 people or they could save 5, 000 people.

It's like a domino, a good one. It's destroying the power of the enemy. So know how important you are and know that you are a child of God. Know that you are a world overcomer. And know that God has things for you in store for your future. So I want to pray reaching every one of you this day, heavenly father, right now in Jesus name, I looked up everyone at the sound of my voice.

And even those who will watch later, father, God, you just said in that prophetic word earlier that this is the time for your children to shout. This is your time for your children to be heard. This is the time for your children to take back what rightfully belongs to them. Well, father God, what rightfully belongs to them is peace and our mind.

So we bind right now together because you guys are in agreement with me. I bind. Right now, every source of stronghold, principality, power, ruler, other darkness of this world, every form of depression, every form of obsession, every form of anxiety and fear and doubt and worry and unbelief, and anything that's trying to keep them that condemnation, that unworthiness.

The shame and the guilt of their past mistakes. We break those shackles. We break those chains right now off your people and father God, I thank you that right now that their past no longer defines them. And father God, no matter how many times and how many ways, how many people have hurt them. I thank you and I praise you father God.

That you are their Prince of Peace and you are their comforter. I thank you for mending every broken heart and giving them that ability to forgive. Whether it's someone else or giving them the ability to forgive themselves. Father God, I thank you that you are rising them to a new level of your glory.

You're rising them father God, to a new level of strength and of soundness of mind. I call in soundness of mind.

So Father God, I also thank you that you are giving your children a voice in this hour, a voice to be heard, and we shout our enemies out of every single place, every single position, every single form of government, every single form of control. We shot them out. We shot them down just like the walls of Jericho.

And we thank you. That Father God, your hand is moving and that you are removing our enemies from where they are. And I thank you, Father God, we call it unity in the body of Christ, that the body of Christ comes together in your name, unified in your name. And every type of of division from the enemy, every lie from the pit of hell that has kept your body from where it belongs, unified with the head, which is Jesus.

Father God, I thank you that you are glorifying, that your glory is pouring out right now upon your church. That Father God, that we are rising up together with this great awakening, in the glory with you, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rise against us, we shall condemn.

We thank you, Father God, that you said any weapon our enemy chooses, They lose. We so we thank you father god right now that we are the head not the tail that we are the above not beneath that you are rising us up up above our enemies. No matter how far they are, no matter where they are, they're underneath our feet.

So I thank you father God for changing their perception of how they see themselves, other circumstances or things around the world. And I thank you for doing something great inside of each and every one of them and showing them. Who they are in you and with you. And we thank you for that. In Jesus name.

Amen. And amen. Remember want to go back and listen to the prophetic word, go back to the very beginning of this live show. Remember, you are important. You are in the army of the Lord. You are chosen to be on this earth for this very moment and these very days where we're going to see what no eye has ever seen and no ears ever heard.

And you know how bad the evil has been in this earth and just think of how much more God's goodness will overwhelm this earth and God's goodness will destroy that evil. So keep your heads held up high. You are a child of the Most High God. And so if you have any prayer requests, make sure, go into the description box below, you'll find all of our information.

You want to go see declares, decrees, declarations, marching orders, go to our website at jgminternational. org. Just know that there's tools on there, there's preachings, or there's teachings that are written by the prophecies on the prophecy page. There's question and answer page. If you have questions and answers, and I'm telling you, you have all of us here at JGMI who love you.

We pray for you. We appreciate each and every one of you and know that you're not standing alone in any of your battle, no matter what battle you're facing. So, and if you want any Julie Greene ministry merchandise, go to three cents thrives. com. I just want to say to each and every one of you, God loves you.

I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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