Are Psychedelics More Dangerous Than Alcohol? | CNN's Cesar Marin on Damned Lies & Statistics

5 months ago

Are Psychedelics More Dangerous Than Alcohol?

Possibly, but only if you set them on fire and throw yourself off a building before swallowing them.

And look, I love drinking. LOVE IT. But White Claws have done more to damage humanity than mushrooms ever will, which is why I drink bourbon AND throw back a few Golden Teachers, yaknowwhatI'msayin?

ANYWHOM, in this installment of "Damned Lies & Statistics", former CNN producer and microdosing advocate Cesar Marin joins me to debunk the dangerous myth that "Psychedelics Are More Dangerous Than Alcohol."

ENJOY ya silly gooses

In this episode of Damned Lies & Statistics, former CNN producer and microdosing advocate Cesar Marin joins us to debunk the dangerous myth that "Psychedelics Are More Dangerous Than Alcohol."

Despite the stigma, modern research shows that psychedelics, when used responsibly, are far less harmful than alcohol—one of the most widely consumed yet dangerous substances on the planet. We compare the risks, side effects, and long-term consequences of both alcohol and psychedelics, diving into the scientific data that reveals the true dangers behind each substance.

Watch now to uncover:

The real safety profile of psychedelics versus alcohol.
Why alcohol-related deaths far outnumber those related to psychedelics.
How psychedelics are being explored for their therapeutic benefits, while alcohol’s health risks continue to rise.
Get the facts and break free from the misinformation about psychedelics. Are these substances really as dangerous as we’ve been led to believe?

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