FBI’s Code Name “PENTTBOM” Exposed: What Really Happened At The Pentagon on 911!!

5 months ago

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The attacks on September 11th 2001 happened over 23 years ago and since then the government has officially released only 5 frames of video to “prove” that an airplane hit the pentagon during the attacks.

The “evidence” does not clearly show a plane but it instead resembles a bombing and the FBI’s own investigation that day was code named “penttbom” which stands for “Pentagon Twin Towers Bombing”.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the 23rd anniversary of 911 by explaining how there are some people involved in selling the lie who are not even aware that they’ve been used to sell the official narrative of events.

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Press For Truth Presents: 9/11 Decade of Deception (Full Film)




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