HOO BOY! Newly Released Data Collected In Real-Time During Presidential Debate DISASTROUS For Kamala

6 months ago

Posted • September 12, 2024: Keep in mind as you watch this graph created in real-time during the Trump/Harris presidential debate, both candidates need independents to win. Independents tracked almost perfectly with Republicans during the debate:

🔴= Republican
🟡= Independent
🔵= Democrat

On the major issues — economy, inflation, illegal immigration, energy — independents sided with Republicans. Democrats weren't huge fans of some of her answers. And since we've seen Kamala is losing 'undecided voters' to Trump, this is fairly disastrous for the woman nobody voted for in the first place. Her saying economists and experts agree with her about economic policy is same as Biden did in his debate in 2020. Didn't Biden say that 51 intelligence experts said Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation. Seems Team Kamala once again underestimated how much Americans actually do pay attention these days. And since Elon Musk bought Twitter, it's not just an endless feed of propaganda for the Democrats.

And Independents had to see that David Muir and Linsey Davis were doing everything in their power to hurt Trump while helping Kamala. It was honestly embarrassing for Kamala, in our opinion. If she's so unqualified and ignorant that she needs her sorority sister moderating her debate on a network where her best friend works then she has no business leading the free world. Not even a little bit. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - HOO BOY! Newly Released Data Collected in Real-Time During Presidential Debate DISASTROUS for Kamala

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