Oh, Honey, OUCH! Kamala Harris Debunking Kamala Harris Over And Over Again Is GLORIOUSLY Funny

5 months ago

Posted • September 12, 2024: Kamala Harris has magically changed her beliefs from the very leftist, progressive, even MARXIST ideas she held for a long, long time to somehow being very moderate, even pushing tax cuts on tips and securing the border. Right. At least that's what she and her handlers want Americans to believe. This is what they did with Joe Biden as well, tried to pretend he was moderate when they knew it wouldn't matter what Joe was because the elites who eventually removed him would be running the country anyway. *adjusts tinfoil hat*

We've sort of given up thinking we can prove to the Left that Kamala is a fake and a liar but maybe someone they believe and trust can convince them. You know, like Kamala herself. Trump did a similar campaign ad to this, but this is brand new from the debate. Kamala is on tape saying the exact opposite of virtually every position she claims to believe now. We’ve truly never seen anything like this. From Kamala's big ol' mouth itself. To be fair, we've never seen the Democrats remove the candidate Americans voted for because they're afraid he would lose and then install an imbecile nobody voted for like Kamala. We suppose all bets are off at this point. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Oh, Honey, OUCH! Kamala Harris Debunking Kamala Harris Over and OVER Again Is GLORIOUSLY Funny

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