I Tested Sourdough In A Sun Oven And Here's What I Found!

6 months ago

In this video, I tested making sourdough sandwich bread in a sun oven - the results are amazing! Watch to discover how you can make delicious sourdough bread using a sun oven at home.

www.youtube.com / @survivalhomesteadteachingfarm
BOOKS: (Also on Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, etc.)
Survival Herbs for Beginners: Herbal Medicine Made Easy https://a.co/d/3PXGtpT

Boost Your Lazy Immune System: 6 Steps to Better Health and Wellness https://a.co/d/5ImlsH5

Herbal Cattle Care for Homesteaders: Using natural herbs for the prevention and treatment of cattle health concerns https://a.co/d/3ODHMIR

Herbal Goat Care For Homesteaders https://a.co/d/fIhKNCN

Herbal Horse Care for Homesteaders: Using natural herbs for the prevention and treatment of horse health concerns https://a.co/d/gNOtv4H
Health Assessment and Exam: For Goats https://a.co/d/0Cs6yiX

Health Assessment and Exam: For Rabbits https://a.co/d/aujzRgz
HERBAL SCHOOL: (Highly recommended)
https://bit.ly/3Io3YOd (affiliate link)
PURCHASE DRIED HERBS AND TINCTURES:. (Highly recommended. Very high quality)
https://bit.ly/3Io3YOd (affiliate link)
www.shtffarm.com (for our farm)
www.theweeddoc.net (for event speaking)

Music by Epidemic Sound

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