Dr. Eugene Podkletnov on American Antigravity with Tim Ventura

1 month ago

Dr. Podkletnov describes his “force beam generator” experiment and some improvements he made over the years to increase the experimental gravity-beam. The beam of force is generated by passing a high-voltage discharge from a Marx-generator onto a YBCO superconductor. The superconductor suspended in a magnetic field and also in a cryostat to maintain critically low temperatures. Podkletnov claimed the beams were powerful enough to knock over objects in his lab. He also said the force-beam is capable of punching holes in solid materials. After meticulous tests, Podkletnov determined the speed of the shockwave to be about 64 times the velocity of light (64c). Podkletnov indicated that relativity does not apply because he interprets the scenario under absolute space and time.

“Podkletnov claims the gravitational beam is generated by a 3 to 5 megavolt drop onto a 4-inch diameter superconductor, which is enclosed in a wrapped-solenoid to create a magnetic field around the apparatus.”

Pulses are powerful enough to punch through brick, concrete, and deform light-metals, "like hitting it with a sledgehammer".
“The beam doesn't disappear rapidly with distance - in fact, it’s been measured at distances of up to 5 kilometers and seems to penetrate all materials without a decrease in force.”

“Someone in the laboratory was smoking and the smoke rose in a column above the superconducting disc. We placed a ball-shaped magnet above the disc attached to a balance. The balance behaved strangely. We substituted silicon, and still the balance was very strange. We found that any object above the disc lost some weight, and we found that if we rotated the disc, the effect increased.”

Breaking the law of gravity:

Project Greenglow:

Boeing and Podkletnov:

NASA and Podkletnov

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