1 Page Self-Standing Target Tutorial - PrintMyTargets

5 months ago

Our single page self-standing foldable paper target is the world's first self-standing double-sided paper target that can easily be assembled with a single sheet of printer paper and two pieces of tape. When printing this target at home, we recommend using 8.5x11" printer paper.

Check out our Step-by-Step Guide on Our Website: https://printmytargets.com/tutorials/1-page-self-standing-paper-target-tutorial.html

Like the Target in the Video? Get it here:

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What Materials Are Needed?
1 Page Double-Sided Self-Standing Paper Target & Transparent Tape

Estimated Time to Create Target: 20-60 Seconds

Step 1
Please flip the page upside down and tape two diagonal corners together. This requires that you place 1 corner of the paper within the L shaped border of the other.

However, do not overlap a corner of the paper past the L shaped border, as this may cause the paper to be too short when folding and taping the other corners in step 2.

Step 2
Now, please do the same for the other pair of corners. However, please note that for these two corners you do not need to fully place them within the L shaped border. You can simply have the two corners of the paper touch and then tape them in place.

Note: For extra durability, it’s a great idea to add a second piece of tape to secure the corners even more.

Step 3
Check the target and eliminate any imperfections by pulling on the corners of the target. If everything looks good, you can stop here, or you can continue to STEP 4 (optional).

Step 4 (Optional)
Fold on the horizontal dashed line and the left and right edges of the target to hold the target firmly in place.

TIP: To keep the target from blowing away in the wind when shooting outdoors, it is possible to place rocks, pebbles, dirt, or twigs in the open back of the target to weigh it down. However, please ensure you keep a safe distance if doing so.

Tip: Place rocks, pebbles, or twigs in the open back of the target to keep it from blowing away in the wind if you are shooting outdoors.

In the video, you will see an example paper target that was shot with .308 rifle rounds.

All Done.

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