AmbGun Minuteman Salute of the HK VP9

5 months ago

In 2019, I picked up the fully ambidextrous VP9 pistol and it altered my CCW trajectory with its awesome paddle magazine release.

Key benefits of the Paddle mag release: ambidextrous, prevents accidental mag disengagements, and accommodates a pinch grip operation.

This admiration for the VP9’s paddle mag release ultimately led to trying the Keltec P17 and the P17 led to my 22LR opportunity costs, “Handbook on Human Vulnerability” CCW spiral.

And, now, while I no longer own a center-fire handgun, I still admire the VP9….excellent trigger made possible by the pivoting striker block safety, ambi slide releases, slide ports for bloody hands manipulation, and an overall appealing quality build.

I love fondling this pistol. But more so, I am grateful that it led me to the P17.

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