Presidential Debate 2024~ #america #love #church #endtimes #presidentialdebate2024

5 months ago

In 1954 the irs sent out the 501-C3 to tell the Pastors if they'll just shut up & sit in the corner they can have tax money. you cannot endorse someone who will protect children. And they took the money. We soon lost prayer in schools & it quickly became legal to slaughter little babies. Now we have a women 90 years of age spending the rest of her life in prison in America for peacefully encouraging young girls to get counsel from Christian women to not cut her baby in pieces. The church goers who have participated are off course, and have chosen to be politically correct according to satans will.
And that is how the devil takes a nation, he uses the bait of money on hooks. "Did God really say, you cannot have two masters?"
Prophecy is being fulfilled, "men our lovers of self, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God." Refusing to lose a little tax break to protect the children.

Apostles Creed Book~ By Michael Stokes~
Sick and tired of all the Christian books or movies that share stories of Christians defeated by the powers of darkness, temptation and sin? As if Christians are powerless "in" Christ? -
Take this exciting journey of faith with young Christians learning to fight a good fight of faith against principalities and powers of the air.
Johnnie and his friends are average teens in Southern California striving to excel in their education. Johnnie learns through circumstances just how real the forces of darkness can be.
Out of fear and torment Johnnie comes to a new birth experience "in" Christ Jesus and decides to go full in and deny himself, take up his cross and follow Jesus.
This is a Christian book with a story of being victorious "in" Christ Jesus! ~ I have had some praise reports in emails of how this book has encouraged others to tighten up their reigns in their Christian walk. Fun read, Exciting story.
Get your copy today!_ Click the link below.

Twisted Scripure ~By Michael Stokes
Twisted Scripture~ Satan's Weapon of Mass Destruction!
This book will help equip and encourage those whom are lovers of God's Truth. As evangelist and missionaries or anyone who shares their faith in these last days knows that surely Paul was right when he told Timothy, "Men will no longer put up with sound doctrine." 2 Timothy 4:3- We hear so many speaking terms like, "who are you to judge," or, "you without sin cast the first stone" or the famous, "your condemning me, Jesus didn't come to condemn"~ They are playing the "victim card" trying to silence the truth because they do not want to hear it. And our enemy the devil dont want us proclaiming it in context. The world is listening to those whom are tickling their ears. We must as lovers of truth stand strong "in" Christ Jesus our Lord through these last days rightly dividing His truth and fighting a good fight of faith. This book will encourage you and give you some tools for the conversations in the marketplace: from false believers to sinners, lets equip ourselves to not bow to this woke generation of bible twisters. Lets pray for them and put His Word in truth of its intended context that the truth may set them free! Click Link Below. Blessings....

#texas #republican #conservative #trump #election2024 #foxnews #jesuschrist #jesussaves #bible

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