🇺🇸 Who will be able to answer our 10 questions or concerns for our nation?|Presidential debates🇺🇸

6 months ago

We share 10 questions or concerns with a bit more definition for reason of asking. Not sure about y'all but some of these issues seem to be getting lost in the mix of hurt feelings and well really no explanation at all. Which may be why so many people are gravitating, in a some what dysfunctional manner that they may be more accustomed too towards Kamala Harris manipulative prosecutorial ways. She does have experience ignoring exonerating evidence and keeping innocent people in jail too.

Hi Rumble neighborhood,

This is our long form video where we go into a bit more depth about issues like economy, illegal immigration, increase in illegal crime, inflation and unfortunately more. Let us know if you feel the same way and for sure share your concerns of issues you would like to have clearly addressed by our current Presidential nominees.

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Keep imagining, creating & D.I.Y.ing
Mr. Rose & The Mrs.
Wild Rose Haven Homestead

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