Haitian behavior in Springfield, Ohio

5 months ago

Animals (farm animals and pets included) are being taken at will and eaten, but also used in voodoo sacrifice rituals. (That part isn't stated on this video but has been also observed.) Witness states that she observed Haitians opening packages in stores, taking stuff out, and throwing the rest on the shelves or floors. When they take farm or park animals, they decapitate it right there and walk off with it, leaving the bloody head right there. 20,000 of these people (I don't think it's hyperbole to call them savages, actually) were dumped into a town of 50,000 residents.
They act this way because of their barnaric voodoo beliefs and ways (probably likely that many of the most bizarre things happened because due to these practices during which demons are invited to inhabit people, that these live-cat-eating-type situations, they are likely demonically possessed. It's an intentional part of their lifestyle, and it made zero sense to bring them here.

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