The Mallard: Close Up HD Footage (Anas platyrhynchos)

5 months ago

Mallards are the most common ducks you'll see in the UK. They're easy to spot - the males have shiny green heads and grey bodies, while the females are mottled brown. You'll find them in all sorts of watery places, from ponds and rivers to city parks.
These ducks aren't fussy eaters. They'll munch on plants, insects, and even small fish. They're famous for their loud "quack" sound, which you can hear from quite far away.
Mallards are clever birds. They can fly at speeds up to 55 miles per hour and can take off almost straight up from the water. In the autumn, many UK Mallards fly south for warmer weather, but some stick around all year.
These ducks are important to our ecosystem. They help spread plant seeds and are food for other animals. Sadly, their numbers have gone down a bit in recent years, but they're still a common sight in British waterways.

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