Beware The Yellow B.R.I.C.S Road!

18 days ago

We should know far too well now that the cabal puts the truth before they do it and put it on repeat! That's what the Red Pilling is about you Patriots of GOD THAT LOVE LIFE, GOD AND PEACE! Truly, this is biblical and we are tired. Tired of the strife and being witnesses of more suffering seeing the contidion of worse off people. We must hold strong though! God has the kingdom already prepared just HOLD ONTO YOUR FAITH. DON'T BE TRICKED TO DISBELIEVE IN GOD. They will give everyone what they have always wanted. Gold and signs and wonders. Trump has septillions of tons of gold OZ given to him by the Vatican. It’s for the QFS Nesara Gesara debt forgiveness but it will one day turn into the central bank digital currency that is dreaded. The world will be fooled into trusting the new government- it’s going to be the NWO antichrist kingdom after the world is lulled to sleep. Planned since before the 1933 gold confiscation era the Yellow B.R.I.C.S Road represents the coming new world (order) reserve currency. (B.razil - R.ussia - I.ndia - C.hina - S.outh-African Road). Rainbow currencies will be the fiat money replacement. Like somewhere over the rainbow!

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