The Outer Realm -Gail and Mel Willis - Lucky Paranormal

6 months ago

The Outer Realm welcomes Gail and Mel Willis from Lucky Paranormal
Episode Hosts: Michelle Desrochers , Amelia Pisano
Date: September 11th, 2024
Episode: 474
Discussion: Gail and Mel be talking about the first ever The Lake Superior Paranormal Convention, taking place in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
They will touch on their paranormal experiences, and the locations that they have investigate. This will be a great segment for all paranormal enthusiasts.

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About Our Guests:

Gail and Mel Willis.
Lucky Paranormal is a paranormal investigative team based in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. We operate with a high level of professionalism and expertise, aiming to assist individuals in understanding paranormal occurrences and strange phenomena using state of the art investigative tools. Over time, we have delved into numerous historically significant sites within Thunder Bay, its adjacent regions, and even ventured across the United States for investigations. Lucky Paranormal has gained recognition on both CBC news, Rogers cable, radio, and podcasts. We organize public events at well-known haunted locations and also contribute to our community by hosting charity events that support local businesses

Guest Links:
YouTube: @LuckyParanormal
FB: Lucky Paranormal (Thunder Bay, Ontario)
Instagram: Lucky_Paranormal
TikTok: Lucky_Paranormal

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A formal disclaimer: The opinions and information presented or expressed by guests on The Outer Realm Radio are not necessarily those of the TOR Hosts, Sponsors, or the United Public Radio Network and its producers. We will however always be respectful and courteous to all involved. Thank you, we appreciate you all!

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