ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning and Math Knowledge - Review for the test - Live Stream - Part 1

5 months ago

Here is my first part of ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning and ASVAB Math Knowledge of all topics.
0:00 Introduction
1:10 Percentage
11:07 Ratio
13:50 Fraction
15:48 Addition - Subtraction of Fraction
21:03 Mixed Ratio/Fraction
24:33 Simplify the fraction
25:46 Reciprocal the Fraction
26:16 Multiplication and Division the Fractions
28:41 Adding/Subtracting the Mixed Fractions
32:39 Age
38:08 Average
42:54 Simple Interest
45:43 Velocity - Time - Distance
53:42 Finding the average velocity (Advanced)


Part 2:

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