White House Spokesperson: China-Russia Naval Air Drills Is Not Worth Worrying About

1 month ago

09/10/2024 White House National Security Spokesperson John Kirby: China-Russia joint naval air drills are a sign of deepening cooperation between these two countries, which the defense relationship has constantly grown and deepened over the last couple of years. But these two countries don't have a long history of working well together, certainly not militarily, and they don’t fully trust each other. So there's no dramatic, imminent concern about it.
#ChinaRussiaJointDrills #DeepeningCooperation #WatchAndMonitor #JohnKirby
09/10/2024 白宫国家安全委员会发言人约翰·柯比:中俄联合海空军演是两国深度合作的一个信号,在过去几年来,两国防务关系不断发展和深化。但这两个国家历史上没有长期的合作,尤其是在军事方面,并且不完全信任彼此。所以无须过度担忧。
#中俄联合军演 #深度合作 #关注并监测 #约翰·柯比

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