No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 047: Adding more playback functionality

6 months ago

Streamed on 2024-09-11 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

Yesterday I got a good start on playing back a replay. Today I started off by hunting down a couple of known issues. 1) Deducted letters weren't being swapped. This was a simple fix of not checking if user input was blocked by that method. When we are not in Playback mode, it is checked in the calling function anyway, so this check was redundant and, in the case of Playback, incorrect. 2) We use double-clicking words to conveniently accept or reject the remaining characters. This event was not being captured by the Replay at all. We implemented it and all was good.

With the known issues laid to rest, I dove into making replays more useable. I added a time label, so you can see how the replay is progressing. Then I added the concept of scalable time, so the replay can go faster or slower than real-time. Then I added the ability to Reset the Replay. This makes it more convenient for the player to re-watch than exiting the replay and reloading it through the normal means. Then I tackled skipping forward/backward by one word. This is working like a charm, and we only saw one issue that we'll have to try duplicating tomorrow. Just a bit more development on replays and I'll call that feature done.

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