The Countering CCP Drones Act Passes the House

6 months ago

09/09/2024 Congressman John Moolenaar: DJI poses a real national security risk to the US given its deep partnership with the CCP military, its expressed allegiance to the CCP and its surveillance technology operating across U.S. soil. This bill would add the CCP drone company DJI to the FCC Covered List, meaning that any future models of DJI drones would be prohibited from operating on U.S. telecommunications infrastructure.
#DJIDrones #SurveillanceTechnology #NationSecurityRisk #CCPMilitaryCompany #HR2864
09/09/2024 国会议员约翰·穆勒纳尔:大疆创新与中共军队有深度的合作关系,表示忠诚于中国共产党,并且其监控技术已在美国境内运行,这对美国国家安全造成了真实的威胁。该法案将把中共无人机公司大疆创新列入联邦通信委员会的限制名单,这意味着未来任何型号的大疆无人机都将被禁止在美国的电信基础设施上运行。
#大疆无人机 #监控技术 #国家安全威胁 #中共军工企业 #2864法案

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