Nosotros Trabajamos Duro - Episode 16 - Stevie C and David Thorne - Truck Stop Podcast

5 months ago

On this episode of Nosotros Trabajamos Duro, I sit down with comics Stevie C and David Thorne to discuss fast food. In honor of the subject, I prepared a nice hamburger in a country, gourmet style. It's a truck stop episode. So if you're traveling, consider the chains we talk about. Beyond fast food, we discuss comedy, Kat Williams, spookies, and the majestic book Bluesman! It's a podcast you don't wanna miss!

#NosotrosTrabajamosDuro #NosotrosTrabajamosDuroPodcast #ChristopherSAllen #TheMadAuthor #Funny #Comedy #DavidThorne #StevieC #Podcast #Truckers #TruckStop #RoadListens #RoadLife #FastFood #Food #KatWilliams #Sacramento

The songs used are to promote the artist. I make no profit off of the music played. It is only to progress the audiences artistic knowledge.

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