TheDimNews LIVE: Presidential Debate | Springfield Pets Delicious? | Avril Concert; D&D Campaign End

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MudderFetcher :r+catjam: :r+radiatingheart: :r+catjam: :r+radiatingheart: :r+catjam:

RonGreen1 I heard Beverly shot 4 Haitians trying to steel her ducks.😂

MudderFetcher she ate the Haitians to assert dominance

RonGreen1 Haitians beware. Beverly is a real vampire cannibal.

RonGreen1 Somebody needs to let the Haitians know that demcrats taste like chicken. And no one will complain when their heads are chopped off.

RonGreen1 The lovely ladies are here. Woohoo!

MudderFetcher 2,996 moments of silence

Qriist Supporter I didn't hear the moment of silence. Can you say it again?

MudderFetcher Beverly ate some questionable tacos in Springfield

RonGreen1 Cool! Awesome blade.

RonGreen1 Beverly should put some Haitian heads on her fence posts as a warning to any poachers.

MudderFetcher Alex forgot 9/11...she's allergic to it

MudderFetcher my guess is people just sing the Alphabet song in their head lol

Qriist Supporter The proper amount of silence ishowever log it takes to charbroil your neighbor's cat without getting caught.

Qriist Supporter The proper amount of silence is however long it takes to charbroil your neighbor's cat without getting caught.

Qriist Supporter I like your switch axe

MudderFetcher if it's a good joke ya double it

Qriist Supporter i was fixing typos and rumble doesn't let me delete lol

MudderFetcher apparently a lot of people just bail on the debates after 20-30mins if they watch at all


Qriist Supporter THAT'S THE WORST PART

Qriist Supporter manufacture consent

Qriist Supporter in 2024 we'll get to see what an uppercase Fraudstika looks like

Qriist Supporter Alex is a liberal, kill xir!

Qriist Supporter ya we watched one of the Trump vs Biden debates

MudderFetcher I mean the last debate knocked a candidate out of the race entirely but yeah the non-Trump ones suck

Qriist Supporter "I'm so black" -Beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter "I don't care anymore." - Beverly 2024

RonGreen1 Beverly cares. I feel much better.

MudderFetcher anything good from the debates will make it to twitter/ basically immediately

MudderFetcher Obama vs Romney

Qriist Supporter 2012 was Obama vs white Obama

RonGreen1 McCain was a demcrat, before he ran for the Senate in Arizona.

MudderFetcher my degree in Polynesian Queer Basket-weaving comes in handy all of the time

Qriist Supporter Ivory towers will be the death of us all.

RonGreen1 In the real world, you have to produce. Nobody gives a shit about any beliefs.

Qriist Supporter on the subject of common sense coming from the common folk, here's a video from a while back:

MudderFetcher Basket-weaving has SO many hoops

JQuickDraw Supporter I love how Dick Cheney and John McCain are now upstanding, honorable men, and McCain is even a war hero. A hero. The man who sold out his unit for lighter treatment from the Viet Cong.

Qriist Supporter bold of you to assume I graduated high school

RonGreen1 Jesse Ventura once told an art student, that of you want to be an artist, produce some art and sell it.

JQuickDraw Supporter "I don't like anyone." - Beverly 2024

MudderFetcher is what became of The_Donald subreddit


JQuickDraw Supporter :r+leotoast:

Qriist Supporter obviously you're my self-insert

Qriist Supporter in this conversation

JQuickDraw Supporter GED - Gloryhole Expert Degree

JQuickDraw Supporter They were getting on my last nerve, so I dropped out took care of my family. I'm so much happier now.

Qriist Supporter I got my GED as part of joining the military

Qriist Supporter the recruiter asked me like 6 times if I wanted to take the 1-month study course and seemed suuuper hesitant to let me just take the test. I was like NO STOP I'M SMART I SWEAR

RonGreen1 Teenagers need more exercise and activity, than study time.

Qriist Supporter "Fuck you I won't teach what you tell me" -Bev Against the Machine

MudderFetcher H1 Nova? was the name I think

MudderFetcher she prob just got the questions in advance...they blurred her notebook when the camera was overhead at the start

MudderFetcher the mics weren't even muted

JQuickDraw Supporter The ear piece was just a remote controlled mild electric shocker. Every time she was about to go off the rails, someone offstage would push the button.

MudderFetcher Biden is full MAGA now...I done seen the pictures!


MudderFetcher that's my fave

RonGreen1 Kamela said she was a gun owner.

JQuickDraw Supporter I have a hard time thinking like a normie.

wesley1924 Supporter+ Never Forget... Building 7 was controlled demolition.

Qriist Supporter I watched some of it. The two the liberals lost it on was 1) when Trump said some states allow full term abortion and 2) when Trump said the pets were being eaten

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 Of course, she owns all the guns she's already confiscated.

Qriist Supporter I mean, I was napping at 4pm today. does this mean I'm President?

MudderFetcher the Democrat bill mandated that all Haitians eat family pets exclusively

wesley1924 Supporter+ Bring your geese inside before the Hatians get to them, Beverly

RonGreen1 House cats are now an endangered species.

JQuickDraw Supporter @wesley1924 Maybe, but there's enough evidence of a conspiracy and partial inside job that you don't need WTC7 or thermite or "no plane hit the pentagon" (hint: it was a plane).

Qriist Supporter "much safer than delivery." Straight to jail.

JQuickDraw Supporter Virginia tried to pass a post birth abortion bill, IIRC. There's video of the VA governor explaining how it would work.

MudderFetcher if you post an actual video of late-term abortions to most any platform = they'll censor/ban it/you

RonGreen1 Free fentanyl if you get an abortion.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh cool, fentanyl addiction as a bonus.

RonGreen1 If babies had guns, there would be no abortions.

MudderFetcher her running mate removed the requirement to save botched abortions:

MudderFetcher stopped the reporting requirement altogether if memory serves...hey just like the crime rates

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher And adverse vax reactions

MudderFetcher that's their M.O. = just stop reporting the bad stuff and skew the data

JQuickDraw Supporter "Be careful what you put in your body." BRB gotta go find the forceps.

Qriist Supporter The fact that they administer pain drugs to the baby directly means they know it's fucked up.

MudderFetcher there might need to be a bomb dropping sound/animation for when Alex gives us an unprovoked Vagina Fact

MudderFetcher just use these condoms that give everyone cancer lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist She reeled off those drugs and how/when to administer them like a serial killer.

MudderFetcher I was thinking of a bomb dropping either into or out of a vagina would be *chef's kiss*

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex with the post-nut clarity to remind Beverly about the Cunt Corner theme.

JQuickDraw Supporter People who are pro-abortion often come across as inhuman, almost sociopathic, in their proselytizing.

RonGreen1 Why do I feel a sudden urge to protect my package.

JQuickDraw Supporter 13 year old boys: "Shave off the tip of my penis? I'm trying! I masturbate 10 times a day."

MudderFetcher when you're ready for Cunt Corner but not the Smegma Segue
I propose a compromise with abortion activists: women may terminate viable pregnancies at the expense of the state by giving up their child for adoption following a mandatory cesarean delivery.

MudderFetcher "Europeans handle it fine."...oh so just keep your pinky-up then

MudderFetcher yeah I'm not religious...just maybe put some more thought into ending a life instead of being actively proud of it you fucking ghouls

Qriist Supporter The decision to have a child was made when sex was initiated.

MudderFetcher it's their almost complete dismissal of life that's completely disgusting for me

MudderFetcher unless the baby is Haitian...then let's feed it kittens

RonGreen1 Government help? 😂🤣 When has the government ever helped anything.

Qriist Supporter the medical costs are because of government writing "helpful" laws that banned how women delivered children for all of history.

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 It helps itself every April.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, there is some woman out there who gets raped every few minutes. Think of her. And also the that one guy who gets mugged and robbed every 20 seconds. What about them?

RonGreen1 @JQuickDraw April should be declared no anal lube month.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 Or maybe National Service Day, as in get out your kneepads and service the government.

Qriist Supporter a lot of hospitals allow midwives/doulas in the maternity wards

MudderFetcher the entirety of the medical industry is full of nonsense bullshit? Sounds like a conspiracy

RonGreen1 Women used to give birth out in the field, put the baby on their back, and go back to work.

Qriist Supporter make sure you bring your emotional support Plop to your delivery

Qriist Supporter maternity wards tend to be significantly less "hospital harsh"

MudderFetcher Kamala birthed her step-children in the tub with the collard greens she was washing

Qriist Supporter Tall people: *exist*

Qriist Supporter Beverly: and I took that personally

MudderFetcher crowd surfing

Qriist Supporter ^

JQuickDraw Supporter crowd stabbing

Qriist Supporter 🎵 all the little chicks with the crimson lips yell CLEVELAND ROCKS, CLEVELAND ROCKS, Cleveland rooocks.

RonGreen1 I like the French Canadian customs girls at the Canadian border. I always ask for an inspection. 😅

MudderFetcher the Beverly News is so much more Chaotic Fun that the real news

MudderFetcher do smart watches have a Canadian Mosh Pit setting lol

MudderFetcher fishnets and corsets...y'all are gearing-up for a RenFest clearly

MudderFetcher I remember seeing Soundgarden in '96 and then they broke-up the next year...I still blame myself

Qriist Supporter think I'll make some peanut noodles for dinner

Qriist Supporter noodle water be boiling

Qriist Supporter it'll be a simple meal

Qriist Supporter I won't go and make it complicated

MudderFetcher guy here...I'm not looking at the waist damnit

Qriist Supporter "Corsets are TIGHT." -Ryan George

MudderFetcher "I'm also allergic to sleeping flat."

MudderFetcher everyone in the Pantera pit had walkers

MudderFetcher boob guy here...all shapes and sizes are awesome lmao

MudderFetcher if the sushi is fishy outside of the nori then ya might be in a bad place

JQuickDraw Supporter What if the alcohol is also fishy? What does that mean?

MudderFetcher drink more and the taste will go away

Qriist Supporter @MudderFetcher


Qriist Supporter beverly out here competing with the MCU

JQuickDraw Supporter 2008-2018 MCU or post End Game MCU?

JQuickDraw Supporter Isn't every organization a space-time organization?

Qriist Supporter If you have kept the attention of a dozen dudes for literal years, I promise you that they enjoyed the game.

MudderFetcher and she called it Endsomnia

Qriist Supporter One MOREEEE ting

MudderFetcher you could prob publish this as a campaign

Qriist Supporter definitely

MudderFetcher lefties will bump elbows if we aren't seated properly

MudderFetcher space and file cabinet

JQuickDraw Supporter lol Chaos is a goddess.

MudderFetcher oh so Bevsonmia then

MudderFetcher the people with zero reason to downplay this are downplaying it

Qriist Supporter she hit f12

Qriist Supporter f12 = dev tools

MudderFetcher Elite Developer Missy

MudderFetcher win+period

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin 😊😂🤣❤️😍😒

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin 👌😘💕😁👍🙌

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin (❁´◡`❁)(●'◡'●)╰(*°▽°*)╯☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆(*/ω\*)(^///^)

MudderFetcher my guess is that the 20,000 is 2x that...just going on past gov bullshit

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin – — €£¥©←→é•°²

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin ¯\(°_o)/¯

MudderFetcher protective

JQuickDraw Supporter party

Qriist Supporter Alien?

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin (¬_¬")

JQuickDraw Supporter Allentown

JQuickDraw Supporter aardvark

JQuickDraw Supporter avaricious

Qriist Supporter AheSimAide

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

MudderFetcher TPS individuals get something like $3,000 per month in EBT + cash

Qriist Supporter Shruggle

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Qriist Supporter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ = shruggle


Qriist Supporter I don't care about them eating random wildlife. That's why the conflicting reports are so annoying.

MudderFetcher he was just taking it for a walk

Qriist Supporter yes, Alex makes a good point

MudderFetcher weird how they keep getting sent to deep red areas

Qriist Supporter omg Biden ASKED for the Trump hat ahahahaha

MudderFetcher Beverly is both the sexiest and most off-putting poopy-butt streamer ever

Qriist Supporter there certainly is a high volume and *variety* of random animal fluids @MudderFetcher

MudderFetcher life is gonna throw another hellbeast at me and I know it lmao

Qriist Supporter he's tripping my gaydar

MudderFetcher I'm gonna run for old man of Texas...I'm ugly enough I think

MudderFetcher the 'test' seems to be proof of age (16+)

RonGreen1 Haitians drive worse than asian women. 😂

JQuickDraw Supporter That's not bad, it's as it should be. If we're going to have a government, it needs to serve the people it legally represents. Otherwise...

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 And they eat more domestic animals too

RonGreen1 We have not seen your cat. Stop asking. Ask the Haitians. - Hunan's Chinese Restaurant

Qriist Supporter "it's the circle of liiiiife" -Mufasa

Qriist Supporter (I know it's not actually Mufasa)

JQuickDraw Supporter The actual storyline from the comics made more sense and was much darker.

Qriist Supporter My issue with Thanos is that they completely flipped his character. Give me the lovestruck asshole simping for Lady Death and hating on Deadpool because she wants him instead.

Qriist Supporter Also, mah boy deserved a helicopter with his name on it. MCU did him dirty. 😭😭😭

JQuickDraw Supporter Also, he was a god, he could just make more planets, solar systems, and galaxies for the growing universal population. Or even a new universe.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Was that a Madam Web reference? lol

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw hm? no everything I wrote was about Thanos.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist I thought they created a Madam Web helicopter

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw

Qriist Supporter There should have been major storms EVERYWHERE after the snap.

Qriist Supporter incalculable tons of disappeared matter creating sudden atomspheric vacuums. At the very least, it lowered the upper limit of Earth's atmosphere, which means the clouds would suddenly agitate.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist


JQuickDraw Supporter Qriist the Twat Conjurer

Qriist Supporter >"I'm gonna speed this up"

Qriist Supporter >takes twice as long

Qriist Supporter "the birds and the ducks" Ducks are confirmed to be the only real birds

Qriist Supporter We should put a glass dome over Springfield, Ohio. :D

Qriist Supporter The Viet Cong says hello. The Taliban also says hello.

RonGreen1 A robot dog with a flamethrower? The Haitians would eat it.

RonGreen1 More guns. Less government.

RonGreen1 I heard the Taliban is selling US tanks.

JQuickDraw Supporter chortle

Qriist Supporter cachinnate

JQuickDraw Supporter I love snigger bars. (I will not explain what I mean.)

RonGreen1 I want a drone mini-gun.

Qriist Supporter okay, you should watch that video I sent earlier. It's the perfect rebuttal here.

JQuickDraw Supporter Wow that person seems allergic to basic bitch logic.

Qriist Supporter this one

JQuickDraw Supporter If it's already illegal for non-citizens to vote, then it's okay to take measures to enforce it.

RonGreen1 Don't shut it down. Burn it down. 🔥

Qriist Supporter he's been hanging out with Cenk too much

JQuickDraw Supporter "We're going to shut down the government if you do something we don't like, but you will be responsible for our actions when we do it."

JQuickDraw Supporter How many of those 4 deaths per shooting are in inner cities?

JQuickDraw Supporter What if you have 5 multiple personalities and you kill yourself. Is that a mass shooting?

RonGreen1 Bipoc sounds like some type of bird. 🐦

Qriist Supporter rebuttal to mueller she wrote

Qriist Supporter "You're halfway into a wor-" -Beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, stop being a boomer. It's cool when sentences end mid wo

JQuickDraw Supporter Just kidding, I don't think it's co

Qriist Supporter I agree complet

RonGreen1 Married men are always cut off mid word.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, pick a lane. Slavery or cannibalism. You can only have one.

JQuickDraw Supporter You mean I can keep the poors down by reading to my nieces and nephews? Nice.

RonGreen1 Liberal logic. Let's reduce everybody to the lowest common denominator, for equity.

JQuickDraw Supporter Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut

Qriist Supporter All I'm saying is these people cheered on Alex Jones getting billed for a billion for having an opinion.

RonGreen1 When covid first started, everybody was stockpiling.
Under capitalism you occasionally get bread lines. Under communism you occasionally get bread.

RonGreen1 During covid, some stores had a limit on toilet paper.

Qriist Supporter Trump tried to close the border at the very start of COVID. He was called racist.

JQuickDraw Supporter I remember Pelosi was telling people to go to Chinatown and "hug a Chinese."

RonGreen1 5'2" is the new tall energy. 😂

Qriist Supporter Har'ris's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's's Moving Goal Posts

JQuickDraw Supporter I am not very tall, but I do have a lot of tall energy. It's just that I chose to channel all of it to a specific body part. Priorities.

JQuickDraw Supporter My big ass gets all the compliments.

RonGreen1 Kamela had a shorter podium during the debate, so she wouldn't look so small.

RonGreen1 Little Mikey Bloomberg is shorter than Kamela.

Qriist Supporter nailed it

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Why is that so hard?

Qriist Supporter in the diagloue right before that clip start, Biden said he doesn't know his own name, and that he's slow.

RonGreen1 Nobody likes the midget witch.

Qriist Supporter lol for real

Qriist Supporter I honestly couldn't tell you if it's a joke

RonGreen1 Look at the 9/11 picture from today, when they were all standing together.

Qriist Supporter Jon Pierre makes Jen Psaki look professional. Fucking phenomenal.

RonGreen1 Karine Jean Houseplant

JQuickDraw Supporter I've been harsh with Karine Abdul Jabaar, but I also think she gets dumped on too much. She's speaking for a dumpster fire of an administration. It's a no-win situation.

Qriist Supporter that as ASMR gaslighting

Qriist Supporter that was* ASMR gaslighting

RonGreen1 Bloomberg is the midget in the middle.

Qriist Supporter no Jean's clip

JQuickDraw Supporter Karine Luc Picard

Qriist Supporter one day you'll get to that comedy skit ;)

RonGreen1 Gnite ladies 👋

Qriist Supporter niiiight

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

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