1 Corinthians 39 Giving, Plans, Exhortations, and Greetings 16:1-24

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SBC Family,

I'm wrapping up 1 Corinthians and hoping we will be able to return to Acts briefly next week before pressing on to 2 Corinthians. This series places Paul's epistles in the context of Luke's Acts so that we are able to put the whole story together of the growth of the church and the problems that plagued the church.

In Galatia the problem was disfiguring the gospel. In 1 Thessalonians the problem was practical living in light of the rapture. In 2 Thessalonians the problem was false teachers proclaiming the day of the Lord had already come. In 1 Corinthians the problem was worldliness in the church.

All of these issues are still with us today. There are those who proclaim a false gospel of Lordship Salvation, Roman Catholic Sacramentalism, Reformed Soteriology, Addition Models like Cambellism (Church of Christ), Loss of Salvation (Methodism, et. al.). There are groups that proclaim false eschatologies of Replacement Theology, Post-Trib, Mid-Trib, Pre-Wrath Rapture, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism and even Preterism. And there are those who bring false spirituality into the church such as Spiritual Formation, Mysticism, Modern Gnosticism, Legalism, Hebrew Roots Christianity, and a whole host of others.

All these errors are addressed by these epistles we've studied so far and found to be wanting, wrong, incorrect, poor theology, distortions of God's Holy Word. We will keep going into 2 Corinthians where we will look at the ministry of the new covenant that changes lives, and thereby condemns ideas of ministry that use marketing gimmicks, worldly techniques, health and wealth gospel, prosperity gospel and all the rest of it to try to change lives. None of it works!

There is only one book with the truth and there are those in this world that love this book and the truth more than the rest. Are you one of those people? Or are you caught up in the world and every wind of doctrine that comes down the pike? Love God, love His Word, love His people, and love His appearing.

See the handout.

Love to you,



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